Chapter 2

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"I'll be back Kev" he responded with a middle finger and a fake smile "bring me back some soda" I gave him a thumbs up and headed to the garage. I hopped in my truck and drove to town, I walked around the liquor store for about an hour before I finally found the bottle I was looking for. On the way home I took the long way enjoying the drive, it had been the first time I've been out of the bunker in weeks.

I pulled into the garage parking in my usual spot before heading to my room. I hid the bottle of Johnny Walker in my desk and went out to see Kevin. I expect to see him sitting in the war room hovering over the tablet as usual, but this time there was something different. Kevin had dried blood on his shirt and he seemed tense. "Kev? Whys there blood on you" I approach him cautiously setting the soda in front of him. "I paid a visit to Crowley to get some answers" I tried to act nonchalant as I walked away but as soon as I was out of sight I took off running.

I burst through the door seeing Crowley beaten and bloody and a sledgehammer laying on the ground in front of him. I knelt down in front of him placing my hand on his cheek pulling his face to look at me. "I shouldn't have left Kevin alone" he gently touched my forearm "it's not yours fault. I'm the one who pissed his off, to be honest I've been a huge ass to that kid" I sighed at his words before gently grabbing his hand. "Its still not right" I heard the door open behind me but before I had a chance to stand up Sam and Dean walked in.

"What's going on" Dean rushed up behind me, he grabbed my bicep pulling me to my feet. "Kevin took his anger out on Crowley" I tried to explain the situation but Dean pushed me behind him. Dean went into Defense mode like a mamma bear when he seen me there with Crowley, I pulled at Dean's arm trying to pull him out of defense mode. "Did he do anything or say anything to you" Dean turned away from Crowley to examine me for any afflictions, "No Dean. Stop I'm fine." I pushed his hands off of me.

"Then what's going on here" Dean gave Crowley a death glare before looking back at me, "well I went to town to get out of the bunker and I left kevin here and when I got back he had blood on him. Then I came down here to see if Crowley was ok". Dean raised an eyebrow at me "and why does its matter if he's ok or not?" He crossed his arms narrowing his eyes. I took a deep breath looking at Crowley "Because I care about him" I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my chest as i spoke. Dean looked like I had just slapped him across the face which didnt surprise me. "You what?!" Sam and Dean both shouted in unison "you heard me. I care for him" I put my hands on my waist glaring at Dean."I feel like this is when I should start running" Crowley chuckled as he spoke trying to relieve the tension, Dean whipped around faster than I've ever seen him move before to glare at Crowley.

Dean started pacing pinching the bridge of his nose mumbling, "Dean-" I tried to explain things but he put up his hand to stop me. "Just go to your room" he stopped pacing and looked at me with an angry expression. I nodded and turned to leave, Sam and I locked eyes for a second and he looked at me with a sad expression before walking up to Dean. I walked to the door and turned around to wave to Crowley who was watching me with a frown, he smiled at me before I turned and walked to my room.

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