Chapter 5

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I woke up to a knock on my door followed by Dean asking if I was decient. I groaned putting a pillow over my head causing Crowley to chuckle. "Awe come on Y/N I told you to take him back to the archive room" Dean whinned standing in the doorway I groaned louder throwing my pillow at Dean "it's like 9am dont you have a life" my head throbbed with head word I spoke. Crowley mouthed to Dean that I was hung over and Dean laughed "drink too much last night Y/N?"

I groaned in response and sat up grabbing the cuffs off the nightstand. Crowley held out his wrists for me to put the cuffs on him, I sighed closing the cuffs around his wrists and stood up. Dean bent down scratching away a section of the trap, he closed his blade and tucked it away before walking up to Crowley and I. "I'll take him you go get some grub. I brought burritos from that taco truck that you like." I nodded standing on my tiptoes to kiss Crowley's cheek "Sam and Kev upstairs?" I asked before I left. Dean nodded and made his way down the hall.

I stood leaning against the wall as dean tried to explain to Sam that there was an angel in him and he needed to cast him out. For a minute Sam acted genuinely upset but then something flipped and him and Dean started arguing. Sam went to leave and naturally Dean tried to stop him and Sam punched him knocking him to the floor. I ran at Sam but was thrown against the wall, I recovered quickly and chased after Sam. Dean followed as we chase after Sam, we reached him just in time to witness him kill Kevin. I screamed charging the man I once considered a brother but was pushed against the wall next to Dean. My mind was clouded with betrayal, anger and remorse; before I knew it Dean and I were released from the angels hold and we rushed to Kevin's side. Teary eyed I pulled Kevin's lifeless body onto my lap, tears poured from my eyes as I hugged him to my chest. Even though we were always fighting and irritating the hell out of eachother deep down I loved him and thought of him as part of our dysfunctional family. Dean pulled me away from Kevin and hugged me as I sobbed into his flannel "we're gonna make this right... give him a proper hunters funeral." But we need to get that angel out of Sam.


I told there as the were removing the anti possession tattoo from Sam so Crowley could go in and get Sam out. My anxiety was getting the best of me so I began biting my nails, I felt Crowley place his hand on my arm gently pulling my hand from my mouth. "It'll be ok love I'll get in and get out before that angel even know I'm in there." I gave him a fake smile not only could I lose my brother I could lose the man I love, once the mark was off they unchained Crowley. Slowly a red cloud emerged from Crowley and flowed into Sam, I began to pace, worry eating away at me the pain from losing my friend still a wound burning in my heart.

Castiel put his hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my anxiety fit, I looked at him a empathetic look on his face. "He's strong he'll be ok" I wasn't sure if he meant Sam or Crowley but i half smiled knowing he was just trying to help. I looked at Sam as his mouth opened and a bright light spewed out I put my hand up to shield my eyes following the light came a red cloud. I watched as the cloud return to Crowley, he sat up and fixed his tie and as she was waiting for this exact moment Abbadon burst through the door. She went on about how she was gonna kill us and blah blah blah. I never genuinely listened to what That psycho had to say, Crowley said he'd hold her off so we could escape.

I grabbed Crowley and glared at him "no shell kill you I'm not leaving without you!" he patted my head and laughed as if he was invincible he pulled me in for a kiss and smiled at me. He looked at Dean and nodded, Dean took the hint and grabbed me throwing me over his shoulder. Dean began to run out doing his best to keep ahold of me as I kicked and screamed, I cried out for Crowley screaming profanities as we left the building. Dean threw me in the back of the Impala next the Sam, the engine roared as we pealed out of the gravel parking lot. I pushed open the door and dove out falling on my left side sliding a few feet before rolling through the rocks I was halted to a stop as I rolled into a parking curb that knocked the wind from me. I ignored the pain and tried to catch my breath as i jumped to my feet.

Once on my feet I sprinted to the door of the warehouse, I heard the tires sliding across the gravel as the Impala tried to stop. I ignored Dean's screams at he chased me down, my hand wrapped around the door handle but I was lifted off my feet before I could open the door. Again Dean carried me to the Impala this time castiel was in the back seat, once inside Cas held onto me to keep me from running.

Dean drove fast along the dark road as we drove back to the bunker, the pain from my wounds growing as I dozed off with Castiel still holding me tightly. We pulled into the bunkers garage and I jumped out running to my room, I slammed the door and went to my bathroom. Looking in the mirror I realized what a mess I really was. My hair was all messed up and dried blood brimmed my hairline running down the side of my face, my mascara had run down my cheeks from crying and the left side of my face had some scrapes that were also covered in dried blood. My tank top strap had broken and down my left arm were rock and blood covered laceration, my chest had bruised from the fall and my legs were cut up and bruised.

I gently pulled my torn tank top over my head wincing when I seen the bruising on my ribs sighing i walked to the shower turning it on. I slowly pulled the rest of my clothes off and climbed in letting the water run over my battered body. I replayed the last 12 hours as i washed away the blood and gravel from my body, my bestfriend was dead and the fate of Crowley was unknown. I heard a knock at my bathroom door, "can I come in?" Dean's voice came from the other side of the door and I Sighed. "Yeah the doors unlocked" I spoke from the shower making sure the curtain covered me, I heard the door open and the toilet seat close so he could sit. "Are you ok?" He sounded sad and the question pulled tears from my eyes. I sat down in the shower my back to the water and cried, "he's gone Dean" my heart ached as I thought of Kevin. "He's really gone theres no way to bring him back. I know we always fought but he was family.... I'm tired of losing people Dean" . I turned off the water and put on my robe ringing out my hair. I stepped out of the shower to see Dean crying with his head in his hands "I was supposed to protect you guys... he was just a kid" I knelt in front of Dean and hugged him knowing this was tearing him up as much as me. He hugged me back and we cried together for what felt like hours.


I was wearing one of Dean black shirts and a pair of black blue pajama shorts as I walked to Dean's room with some snacks. Every week Dean and I would have a movie night where we stay up as late as we can and eat a ton of unhealthy food. When I opened the door Dean was already in bed scrolling through Netflix for something to watch, I crawled into the bed setting the snacks out infront of me. "I got chocolate, chips, popcorn, cheese sticks, pizza, wings, soda, sour straws, gummy worms annnnnd a bottle of Jack" I sighed in triumph at my arraignment of junk food. Dean laughed and opened the pizza box and grabbing a slice, "Nice, so comedy or Horror?" He asked pointing at the tv.

"Mmmmmmmmm horror" I said taking a drink from my beer that was on the night stand, "paranormal or slasher?" Dean asked scrolling through the horror section on Netflix "paranormal all the way" I laughed. He chose a movie and set the remote on his night stand and leaned back against his pillow, I rolled onto my side my eyes growing heavy as I watched the movie with Dean.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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