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" How are the robots handling orders?" A voice questions, and a tan women walks into a dark room.

Her orange hair whipped back and forth as she approached her associate, a tall lighter colored male with icy blue eyes.

He nodded at her.

" They're handling well, madame. Would you like to see?"

The woman scoffed as if if it wasn't a trick question.

" Of course! Lead the way." She told him, her light brown eyes locking with his blue ones.

The man pulled on the collar of his shirt, nervous.

He flushed a bit, and started walking forward, his fancy shoes making loud noises as he walked into an even darker room. It was a mystery how either of them could see.

Within the darkness of the room a steel muzzle could be seen.

The muzzle curled into a snarl.

" Easy, girl. Easy." The man soothes the creature. " Come on out." He sweetly catcalled the creature.

The 'thing' slowly walked out on four stubby robot paws.

It was a dog. A robotic dog.

More specifically a female one. What these two people were doing were creating a robotic dog that can feel feelings and can be male and female.

If this dog worked, then the two might make millions, perhaps billions.

Ever since dogs became extinct humans started looking for ways for bringing them back to life, and that is exactly what they did.

They hoped that with this new dog people would stop doing suicide. Of course it was a long shot, but they at least hoped this dog would help people.

They weren't asking much of the dog. They would gladly rather not earn much money and give the dogs away, but they would also be happy with a reward of millions.

If they had to they would give some away for less than their asking price: 10,000 dollars.

Now back to what they were doing.

The dog approached them.

" Sit!"

The dog sat down, her red ears flopping a bit. She tipped her head, her strange brown eyes awaiting another command with a friend wag of her black tail.

" Now turn into a German Shepard!" The man ordered.

The dog's robotic form started to turn more fuzzy than she already was.

Her ears turned from a wavy red color to a black color. They went from floppy to standing straight up like a cat's. Her metal body changed into a complete fur body, her tail tip was the only black part of the tail left. Her tail, chest, and legs turned into a dusty brown color.

She barked after command, gazing at them with her eyes.

" She's coming along fine. All of them are. Do you think they're ready?" The male asked as he fiddled with his hands.

He really hoped his boss would think they were ready. There was a slight...a slight glitch, but he was sure it would go away.

He tapped his foot, hopping that the beautiful woman would agree with him.

The lady nodded her head.

"Yes. I believe they are ready." At her words the Now German Shepard pup tipped her head in confusion.

Robotic Dog [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now