Chapter one

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A 16 year old girl was sitting on a dark red couch, flipping through random channels.

Nothing I want to watch is on. She thought to herself as she continued to flip through the random channels on her tv.

It was about dinner time.

She was waiting on her mother to announce when she could come into the kitchen.

All her homework was finished.

She was sure to at least get a grade on them.

Her stomach was growling a bit.

It would still be at least a few minutes before dinner would be ready.

The teenager began to tap her chocolate colored fingers on the couch, a hand scratching her head. It was itchy.

Her blonde hair parting for her to scratch her head.

Not much was happening in her life.

She supposed she should be thankful it was not filled with the drama that some people end up having.

Her father was, though, at a meeting, so he would be late.

She supposed he would get take out like every other time he was late like this.

He didn't have a really hard job.

Her mother worked at home, though. Which was good because when the occasional shit happens she's almost always there.

When she isn't, the teenager knows she can trust her one friend to be there for her.

She had others, it's just this one stuck by her no matter what.

She was even nice to the furries.

Stuff like that made people smile.

The teenager stopped on a channel.

Every show on the cursed TV were awful.

She was almost tempted to turn it off and get some exercise. Of course she restrained herself.

It would seem things would never change.

She turned the TV off, sighing.

She stood up, brushing off her black shirt, crumbs crumbling to the ground in a heap. She had been eating chips, and didn't bother to clean the crumbs off.

She neglected to vacuum the rug.

Whatever, the ants will find them eventually.

The scent of dinner wafted through the air.

Finally? She wondered, pondering if her mother was finally done with their meal.

Honestly anything would do at this rate, even the rug beneath her would do.

A sudden shout brought her attention to the kitchen, in which her mother was peeking at her from.

Her neck was practically against the wall.

The girl was surprised her mother hadn't decapitated her head yet.

"Frostine! Dinner's ready! Get your lazy butt in here, so that I don't have to keep swatting at this ridiculously adamant fly! Damn, it really wants to give us germs!" Her mother yelled.

Frostine snickered, half tripping with her first step.

"On my way, mother!" She exclaimed, walking into the kitchen with a smile.

Her mother gave her a tender smile, and then hugged her. She only used one arm, wrapping it swiftly and bringing her daughter to her.

"Have you still to destroy that pesky fly?" She teased her mom.

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