21: hospitalized

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It was morning again,I did my normal routine and was ready for school,I decided to keep space with Samimah and her boyfriend issue for the main time,I don't want to sound desperate

I chatted Chi Chi last night to give her the lasted update but she wasn't online

I will surely meet her at school

I went straight to her class as I entered the school compound but she wasn't in the class, what's happening?

I went to my class and dropped my bag, suddenly Jaffar came and I we exchange greetings

"How is today?"he asked

"Bright and new"we laughed at my silly answer

"So nice to see you happy,Mimi asked me to give you this"he said giving me a small box and I chuckled

"What do a baby wants to give me"I collected the box

"You can find out after ripping it apart"Jaffar said leaving the class,I sat down and started tearing the small package,it was a picture of me and Jaffar staring at each other the day we went to game reserved,when did we took this shot

A small paper fell and I took it,I opened it and saw it was a letter
I started reading it

Dear Jay

I just want you to know I wasn't the one who wrote this but forced Rosita to write this,I would have given it to Jay Jay to write it but I know he will not deliver it because he knew what I was going to write

I just want to tell you I really like you,I like you a lot and I wish you could visit me whenever you are less busy

I know Jay Jay likes you too so it won't be a problem you coming to my house because he will bring you

Please don't say no,it will surely break my heart

And before I forget the picture with this letter,I stole it from my brother's wardrobe,he had many copies of it and he also used it as his screen saver, don't let him know I gave you one

Love you XOXOXO

What the hell!!

This girl is a whole bunch of drama,she must be thinking I am dating her brother,so wrong of her

I was going to accept her request,I would love to see how Jaffar room looks like,I chuckled at my silly thought

I saw Jaffar coming back to the class,I hid the picture quickly and the letter,I can't get Mimi into any trouble even though he won't hurt her,I don't want to loose her trust

"Mimi wants me to visit her"I said as soon as he sits at his seat

"Why?"he frown slightly

"It's just a visit Jaffar"I chuckled and he released the crease on his forehead

"How did she convey the message to you"

"Through a letter"Jaffar was shocked

"When do Mimi start writing letters,let me see"he demanded but I shook my head

"Rosita helped her"

"Oh the house help"


"So are you going to visit her, it's not a force thing"

"I will come on Sunday the following day of your birthday"

"Ok,I will tell her"

"I will be leaving the class"

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