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Eventually the week went by, each day sinking away with my new mates still hitting on my mum. Although this school was better then my old school, I still often got those bloody wedgies Bazza used to give me. As Friday night rolled around, my mother came upstairs with Jamie.
"Hey Carter bubba! This young man is here to see you! You didn't tell me you made friends! I'm so proud of you my little bear!" She said with excitement, grabbing my cheeks like some old ass posh grandma would to her grandchild.
"Oh for fuck sake mum! Get off!" I exclaimed, pushing her out and shutting my door. Jamie started laughing his ass off.
"What's wrong bubba?! Didn't get your goodnight kiss!" Jamie said, practically rolling around on the floor from laughter.
"Fuck off!" I said, rolling my eyes. Once Jamie calmed down, he finally told me why he had come to see me.

"Okay so Blair found us a pub that one of his elderly friends can buy us drinks and since I guess your one of us now... we wanted to know if you'd like to come drinking?" Jamie asked, having the hardest time to spit out what he wanted to say.
"You want us to go drinking? We're underage! That's illegal!" I shouted, looking at him like he had a twitch in his eye.
"Shhh! Fuck up! Look, do you want to come or not? Don't be a shit cunt and come!" Jamie said, putting his hand on my doorknob.
"Okay fine! I'll come. Only because if I stay here, mums just gonna ask me questions about you so it's better if I come," I said, grabbing my coat.
And with that, we were off! We headed towards the club on foot. As we arrived, Dustin and Blair were already out front.
"What the fuck took you guys so long?" He asked, putting his phone in his pocket.
"Checking out his mum," Jamie replied.
"She is fit!" Dustin said as they all started to laugh but of course, I wasn't.
"Again! That's my mum we're talking about!" I yelled, trying to get there attention.

We all headed inside the club, the smell of booz hit our noses and instantly made us dribble.
"Tonight is all about the bitches! All about the Booz! Let's fucking do this!" Blair shouted, walking up to the counter, waiting for his "friend" to buy us drinks.
As Blair pretended to have friends, Dustin, Jamie and I walked off to find some girls to dance with.
"Oh fuck no!" Jamie yelled, hiding behind me.
"What's wrong?" I asked him, he pointed over to a group of ladies, one being particularly interested in him.
"That's Leah! Man I have had the biggest crush on her since I ever came to this school! Her family is good friends with mine and I d- what the fuck is Dustin doin?" Jamie said, getting sidetracked by Dustin's amazing dancing abilities. He ran off doing somewhat of a robotic dance. It was pretty cool if I do say so myself.

After a few moments of watching our best mate dance, Blair came over with four large alcoholic drinks.
"Told ya I would get them!" Blair said smiling.
"Woah good job mate! Now time to hit on some girls!" Dustin said, looking around for elderly women.
Jamie grabbed his drink then started walking off,
"Hey where do you think your going?" I asked him. He replied,
"I'm going over to Leah, maybe she'll want to share this with me!" He shouted as he walked off.
"Fucking Leah. You know, Jamie got called "boner boy" because he got a boner when talking with her! He still has that fucking nickname yet he still goes back to her! Anyway, c'mon Carter, let's find some bitches!" Blair said, practically dragging me across the room. Each women Blair tried hitting either slapped him or ran off. For someone who gets "laid" a lot, I was starting to doubt he was not a virgin. Anyway for Jamie, things weren't going any better.
"Hey Leah!" He said smiling, taking a seat next to her and her friends. Her friends went on their phones, not giving a single shit about boner boy.
"Oh Hey Jamie! Woah shit, you actually got served?! No fucking way! I've been trying all night but I got nothing!" She said, looking down.
"Well that's why I came over, thought we could share," as Jamie stuck the straws in, they started drinking the whole fuckin thing.

"Thanks Jamie, you didn't have to do that," Leah said, giving Jamie a hug which INSTANTLY he should've known he was put into the friends zone but no, he is fuckin idiot. He leaned in for a kiss,
"WOAH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Leah said, jumping back.
"I thought..."
"We shared ONE drink Jamie! Plus I've got a boyfriend! Derick! What the fuck Jamie!" Leah shouted, grabbing her things and leaving.
Jamie sat there, thinking about what the fuck the happened. Soon he reunited with our group.
"How was Leah?" Dustin asked smiling.
"She's uhm.. Got a boyfriend," He said with disappointment.
Dustin patted him on the back,
"Well don't worry, Blair can't get anyone to fuck him, it's actually quite funny!" We stood there, watching Blair frantically running around, asking if anyone wanted to get laid. Sooner or later, we grabbed him and headed home.

"Well tonight was shit," Jamie said, staring at the ground.
"I actually enjoyed it," I said, looking at Jamie.
"I've never been invited out so doing this was the first for me,"
"We could tell specs!" Blair said, kicking flowers on the way home.
"Just cause you didn't get laid, doesn't mean you can be an asshole to fou-six eyes! He's one of us now," Dustin said, giving me a pat on the back.
"Thank you Dustin," I said.
We continued the path home. All in all, I had a goodnight watching Blair trying to get laid, Jamie trying to kiss the girl of his dream but getting denied and having Dustin say I'm one of them. As we arrived, my mum answered the door in her panties and t-shirt.
"Oop- Sorry boys! I should've changed! Anyway, thank you for making sure he arrived her safely, have a good night!" My mum said, helping me in.
"Fuck she is thicccc!" Blair said, drooling everywhere.
"Oh fuck off!" I said slamming the door and locking it. I could hear their laughter from outside.
"Fuck sake."

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