12. seafoam;

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"What do we think: skirt on or off?" I asked Carys, pulling my wrap skirt from my dance bag to show her. I had gotten a new leotard and I wasn't sure if my favorite skirt looked okay with it.

Carys looked up at me, pausing in the middle of typing up her pointe shoes. "Definitely on. I love that skirt on you."

I wrapped the skirt around my waist and tied it off, posing dramatically for her. "Still look okay?"

She grinned at me. "Point your toes, idiot!"

I laughed and then stood straight up again. "I'm so glad we got coffee this morning. I was up way too late last night writing but I couldn't sleep after hanging out with Awsten. My emotions were all over the place."

Carys beamed at me. "That's so fucking romantic, holy actual shit."

"Right because getting five hours of sleep is super romantic," I teased her.

"It makes me happy to see you happy is all that I meant!" Carys defended herself. "You're seeing him today, right?"

I nodded. "He's picking me up from class and I think we're doing lunch. He's got some photoshoot going on tonight so we can't spend the whole day together, just a lot of it."

"Oh, shit. Ellie's boyfriend is a damn model," Carys teased me.

I rolled my eyes. "My boyfriend isn't a model. He's pretty like one, though." I paused a moment and then looked at Carys again. "Oh, my God. That's the first time I said 'boyfriend' out loud."

Carys let out a squeal. "Holy shit! Boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend!" I all but yelled.

"What's this about a boyfriend I hear?" Carys and I looked up at the sound of Kiernan's voice. He came over to where we were sitting and sat down. "Ellie has a boyfriend? Spill! Is it the hottie with the purple hair?" I nodded, smiling when Kier let out a yell. "Good for you, Elle! He is a smoke show."

"Yeah, he is," I agreed a bit shyly. It felt good to have the support of my friends and those of my friends who had met him seemed to really like him.

"Honestly, he's a stark improvement from Matt. But I gotta tell ya, honey, musicians are more your type. They're more romantic like you are. Matt was too concerned about being a fuckin' hardass."

"I think I agree with you, Kier," I told him, laughing when he leaned over to drop a giant kiss on my face.

"Okay any more of this romance talk and I'm gonna break out in hives," Keirnan said and waved his hand at me. "Are y'all signed up for my class?"

"Are you kidding! I wouldn't miss it, babe!" Carys said happily. "I love your intensive classes and I'm stoked we're doing heels again."

"I do look fabulous in stilettos, darling," Kier told her playfully. "What about you, Ellie? Matt isn't here to be fuckin' lame about it."

I chewed the inside of my cheek, frowning slightly. Kiernan loved doing these dance intensives with our studio and he got a lot of turn out so they kept letting him schedule them. Matt had not liked the idea of me dancing in heels. He thought it was "too sexy." And who was I trying to impress anyway, when the only person I should be concerned with was him? I'd wanted to do it so very badly and I knew that Kier knew that, too.

I couldn't shake the feeling, though, that Awsten would feel uncomfortable with it the way that Matt had been. Maybe he was right and dancing in heels was too sexy and I shouldn't be trying to be sexy for anyone other than my boyfriend.

It was too early in our relationship for me to be this weird and insecure. I didn't want to freak Awsten out and have this relationship end before it even really begins because I'm some insecure mess of a girl.

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