Like Father Like Son

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Growing up with your best friends, has to be the most peculiar feeling ever. You never really remember the exact moment you met them, you just remember they've been in your life since you were able to start remembering.

NOVEMBER 19, 2024

"Hey you up?" Declan feels his shoulders being nudged at and suddenly a bright light being shined his eyes.

"Ahh turn that off, what are you." A hand covers his mouth to silence him.

"Shhh, were supposed to be asleep. Scoot over."

Declan suddenly feels a lack of space in his bed, but he's too sleepy to protest. 
Saint shifts the pillow so they each get half.

"Don't you ever hear them?" Saint switches the flashlight off and they lay in Declans twin bed in complete darkness.

Everything is quiet at first. His mind still thinking of this vivid dream he was having where he was Han Solo.Then he hears his mom crying. "How long Patrick?" His dad's voice is much lower tonight and he can barely make out what he's saying."About 4 years." His mother lets out another sob . "You have no idea how this feels, Patrick…I completely lost the man I'm in love with... to him? After all these years. You know how stupid I feel?" The sound of car keys being picked up off the table, foot steps against the linoleum kitchen floor and the sound of their front door being opened and shut quite loudly. Now he understands why his mom says he sleeps like daddy.

He throws the blanket up and slides carefully off the bed to tip toe to the door. "Why was my mommy crying?" Declan whispers to Saint.

"I don't know. But it happens every time I stay the night. Then I always hear uncle Patrick talking to my daddy. He sings to him a lot." Declan is startled by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly runs back to the bed. His door opens and Saint and him have done the "pretending to be asleep" act so many times, they don't even miss a beat. Patrick makes his way to his son and pushes his strawberry blonde hair away from his forehead to plant a soft kiss. His cheek brushes his nose; it feels wet, and he can hear his dad softly sniffling. The phone in his pocket vibrates and he leaves the room before answering it quietly.

"Hi, Pete." His voice trails off as he makes his way down the hallway.

Declan sits up and stares at the door suddenly worried. He remembers when Bronx told him about his mommy and Uncle Pete separating and how he doesn't get to spend time with both of them together anymore. His eyes tear up remembering how sad his mommy sounded.


His shoulders begin trembling and he reaches for his stuffed teddy bear to squeeze tightly. Saint hugs him, and tells him that every thing is gunna be okay.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Saint and Declan, Happy birthday to you!"

"Make a wish!"
"Blow out the candles!"
"Come on boys we want cake!"

"This joined birthday party was a good idea, Pete. " Elisa says as she digs for the knife to cut the cake. "I know Patrick enjoys having you guys over."

Pete glances at Patrick who's trying to open the front door while balancing a bunch of presents.

"Need some help?" Pete holds the door open and takes the top package off the pile so Patrick can see.

"Yeah , then we can have two midgets bringing in the presents." Pete chuckles . 
"Come on dude, it will give us a chance to talk." Patricks cheeks turn red and the stack of presents in his arms almost tumble to the floor.

About a week or two ago Patrick got drunk enough to text Pete. Not like he hasn't before. But this text was completely different. A love letter basically. And Pete hasn't had the courage to ask Patrick about it until now.

They walk to Patrick's car and duck down underneath the back hatch to reach for more presents in the car.

"Did you mean it?" Pete blurts out.

Patrick swallows hard trying to pretend not to hear him. Pete takes another deep breath preparing to ask him again. "Did you me.."

"Yes." Pete doesn't know how long they stand there. The party could be done. Everyone's gone home. And they could still be standing there frozen in that moment. Patrick moves first though. Backing away from the trunk and turning to make eye contact with Pete.

"I meant it. Drunk or not I meant it."

"Patrick don't.."

"No. I know you told me to get over you. And I tried." Pete blinks. "For fuck's sake Pete I have a wife . I have a kid and a dog and a house. I tried. For 20 years I tried to get you out of my head." Pete's vision blurs and he's taken back to the moment it all changed.

JUNE 2009

"I could never go solo." Patrick manages to get out through laughing.

"Yes you could. You have all this amazing work. Why have you never showed me it?" Pete is scrolling through the projects saved on Patricks mac. "Listen to this, these lyrics are great, Trick."

"I could never be on my own. You always talk for me Pete. I'm awkward and fat and I can never be a performer like you."

Pete stands up and puts his hand on either side of Patrick's face forcing them to lock eyes. 
"Stop it, Patrick. You know how lucky I am to have found you? You are a fucking genius. Someone would be absolutely stupid to turn you down, do you hear me?"

Patrick leans forward to plant a peck on Pete's lips and Pete pulls back.

"I'm sorry..I just thought.."

"Patrick, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that."

"No it's fine man..i'm just gonna go have a beer or something."

SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

"Are you gunna say anything?" Pete blinks again and realizes he's been staring at Patrick this whole time not speaking.

"Patrick i don't know what to say."

"You wanted this Pete. You told me you did. I finally get the courage to let you in and you turn me down. You broke my heart and i'm still not over you."

Patrick steps closer.

"Patrick, our families are right inside. They can see us."

Patrick steps even closer and Pete is certain that if he lifts his head there noses could touch. "I don't care. And apparently neither do you."

Pete closes his eyes and tries to remember how to breath. "Everytime I get close to you anymore you never pull away. You're letting me in again. Don't fucking lie to me Pete. Stop pretending."

"Daddy come on we wanna open presents!"

Patrick jerks back sticking his arms in the trunk to pull out any box he can . Declan lets the screen door close and Pete leans down to whisper in his ear "Looks like i'm not the only one scared here, Trick."

Patrick stays frozen there until he knows Pete is inside before letting his head rest against the hatch of the trunk and tries to even out his breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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