message 24

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today is the day i have been dreading since i arrived here. today is the day that i have to leave grayson. i have never ever been more terrified in my life. leaving the one person that i know cares about me most, wants to protect me and love me. i can't bare to even think about it. i wanna stay here with gray.

i sigh as i pack the last of my things into my bag. i feel tears slip down my hot cheeks. my flight leaves in two hours. i have two hours left with my love. only two.

i feel arms slip around my sides from behind me. i don't look, because i know it's grayson. i begin crying harder, not able to control my emotions. grayson hugs me tight, kissing the back of my head. i turn myself around in his arms and burry my face in his chest. i cry and cry, unable to keep it all in.

finally i look up at grayson and see tears slipping from his eyes as well, which makes it one hundred times worse. i wipe his tears with my thumb. i hold grayson in my arms, knowing that soon i will have to let go.

"don't leave me," he whines. i stick out my bottom lip and pout, leaning my chin on his chest, looking up at him.

"i don't want to," i cry, "what am i gonna do when you're not there?"

grayson wipes my face with his hands, removing all the tears. "we will text all the time, and facetime. and you can come back soon, i will pay for your flight and everything."

i frown. he is so good to me. "or i can even come to you," he suggested. i nod my head, removing myself from grayson's grip.

i set my suitcase on the floor and then grab gray's hand. we walk out of his room and into the living room, sitting down on the couch. i curl up close to his body and hug him, knowing this will be the last time i will cuddle him for a while.


the time finally comes for us to leave for the airport. i sigh, as grayson heads for his room to grab my suitcase for me. i stand in the kitchen with ethan, saying my final goodbyes.

"i'll miss you, eth," i say, opening my arms to hug him. he pulls me in tight.

"i'll miss you too-" he gets cut off by tripping over a stool, and falling backwards. i end up on top of him. i look down and see him with his hand on his forehead and he is laughing like crazy. i begin to laugh as well, seeing how stupid this was.

i uncontrollably chuckle, my head on Ethan's chest, still in a hugging position. his arms are wrapped around me tight, protecting me from the fall. our laughter suddenly stops when we hear footsteps and a voice.

"what the fuck?" grayson says. i quickly get off of ethan's body and stand to my feet. he grips the counter and stands up next to me, looking at grayson.

"gray, we were hugging, i tripped and we fell backwards. it was nothing," ethan explained. i nodded my head, agreeing with him.

"i leave for two seconds and you can't keep your hands off my girlfriend," grayson spat, "and you, mae, i thought you cared about me? i didn't think you were secretly hooking up with my brother behind my back. how could you?" his voice cracks.

my breath hitches. "hun, i didn't-"

he cuts me off. "save it. let's just go."

he begins to walk away, but I grab his arm. "grayson, i would never do anything like this to you. i love you. we were hugging and ethan tripped."

he ripped his hand out of my grasp and rolled his eyes. "alright mae, let's go."

i frown, feeling tears well up in my eyes. i turn to look at ethan, and he mouths 'i'm sorry' to me. i know it's not his fault. i nod at him and put my head down. i walk behind grayson towards the door and shut it behind me.

on the car ride there, grayson didn't say a word. he drove silently all the way to the airport. i tried to hold his hand, but he wouldn't let me. i tried multiple times to get him to talk to me, but he wouldn't budge.

"baby, please. we did nothing wrong. he tripped and fell. you have to believe me," i whined. i see grayson look at me out of the corner of his eye, but then turn away. i sigh.

all he says is, "we're here." and opens his door to get out. i roll me eyes and hop out of the car, grabbing my suitcase.

we walk through the airport, and grayson doesn't hold my hand. i fiddle with the handle on my suitcase as we wait for my flight to be called.

"i can't leave with you mad at me," i state. i look at grayson and he looks back at me. i see tears fill his eyes and i jut out my bottom lip. "i would never ever hurt you baby. never ever. what happened earlier was harmless, and a mistake." i hug him, and to my surprise, he hugs me back.

"i don't wanna lose you, especially not to my brother," he breathes.

i chuckle a bit. "hunny you won't lose me, i am all yours."

i can feel a smile forming on his face. just then, my flight was called. i pulled away. "that's me." i say, beginning to cry.

grayson kisses me. "i love you." he says

"i love you too," i whisper, wiping my tears.

i kiss grayson once more before i begin to walk away. the farther i get, the more i want to look back at him, but i just can't. it will hit too much. i miss him already.

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