message 22

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i woke up in grayson's big bed all by myself. i was very confused and wondered where he could've gone. he came to bed with me last night, where could he possibly be?

i grabbed my phone from the nightstand beside me and checked the time. 10am. gray usually wakes up right around now, if not later. i scratch my head in confusion. well maybe he had some things to do this morning. but i sure do miss him right now. waking up in his arms is magical. kissing him as soon as i wake up makes my heart flutter.

i toss the blankets off of my body and roll over, standing up on my feet. i walk towards the door and i hear laughing. it sounds like ethan and grayson, but there is another unfamiliar voice that i can't put my finger on. i quietly crack the door open, only to see a camera sitting on a tripod. they must be filming a video for youtube, but with who?

i'm curious, but i definitely don't want to interfere. i walk back to the bed and plop down on it. i sit for a minute and ponder on who could possibly be out there with them. finally after a few minutes, my curiosity got the best of me and i decided i was going to go see for myself.

i quickly walked into gray's bathroom and checked my hair to make sure i was at least some-what presentable. then, i once again cracked open the door and peeked out just for a second before fully emerging into the room. i saw the twins sitting on either side of a girl. she had brown-ish hair and blue eyes; she was beautiful.

next thing i knew, grayson looked up from filming and saw me standing there. he smiled as soon as he laid eyes on me, which caused me to smile even larger than him. he began to approach me and engulfed me in the biggest hug, while kissing my forehead.

"well, good morning sleeping beauty," gray cooed. "i missed your pretty face."

i couldn't help but blush. i have the sweetest boy ever.

"hi," i chuckled. "i missed your handsome face too," i ran a hand through his messy locks.

the girl and ethan were staring at me, making me feel more than uncomfortable. ethan waved, and i did back.

"hey, i know you guys wanna hang, but we just need grayson for a few more minutes. that cool, mae?" ethan asked.

i nodded my head and sighed. gray gave my lips a peck and ran off, back to his spot on the couch. i made my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of orange juice. i could hear the three of them in the living room laughing uncontrollably. i felt weird, and left out. i also would really like to know who the girl is. maybe it's just a collab with some other youtuber that they've never met. or maybe they have a history with this girl.

i hopped up and sat down on the counter top while sipping my juice. i didn't know exactly what to do. i definitely didn't want to go in there and stare at them while they film. but i wanna be with grayson, and ethan too. i really wish they would've given me a heads up or something about today. maybe it was unplanned and they decided it last minute.

after finishing my juice, i rinsed out my glass and made my way back into the living room. they all seemed to be done filming, and i was glad. grayson was fiddling with the camera, his back towards me. i scurried towards him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. i kissed his shoulder blades and the top of his back and neck. i heard him giggle slightly.

"i love your kisses," he said. i couldn't help but smile. i released his body from my arms and he turned around to face me.

i peeked over his shoulder to see just the girl sitting on the couch, staring at us. i guess grayson noticed and said, "oh yeah, mae, this is emma, a friend of ethan and mine. emma this is mae."

i waved a hand at her and she did the same. emma. she even had a pretty name. i turned my attention back to gray as he fiddled with my hair.

"alright hun, me and ethan are gonna put this camera away and then i'll be right back, ok?" grayson exclaimed. i nodded my head, and let go of his hand, letting him walk away with his brother and the equipment.

i decided that i should give emma a chance and see if i can get to know her since we will be alone for the next few minutes. i made my way over to the couch and sat down next to her. i went to speak but before i could, she cut me off.

"so you're grayson's girlfriend?" she asked.

i tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "not exactly, but yeah kind of. we don't have a label yet, i guess."

emma nodded. "so when are you leaving?"

i was confused. why was she asking me these questions? i barely know the girl, and now she wants to know when i'm leaving la?

"umm, in like a week and three days. why?" i asked, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"oh no reason," she explained, "i just haven't had as much time to hang out with grayson since you've been here."

what? i looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows. what is that even suppose to mean? i scratched the back of my head, and as soon as i went to speak, the twins walked back into the room.

i looked at grayson. is he cheating on me? no, he wouldn't, he's not that kind of guy. but then why would emma say something like that? my anxiety began to kick in and i began to panic.

i stood up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. i gulped down about half of it and calmed down a little bit. soon after, ethan walked into the kitchen, seeing me in distress.

"whoa, mae, you good?" he asked, grasping my arm. i nodded, leaning my head into his shoulder.

"eth, can i ask you something?" ethan looked into my eyes and sat me down on a chair. i continued, "is there something going on between emma and grayson?"

ethan busted out in laughter, slapping his knee. i looked at him confused, and hit his arm. "i'm serious!"

"mae, that's hilarious. what makes you think something is going on between them?"

"i was talking to emma while you and grayson were putting the camera away. she said that ever since i showed up, she hasn't been able to spend as much time with grayson."

ethan stopped laughing and looked at me. he looked confused as well. "well if she said that, then i don't know mae. he's my brother, he usually tells me everything, but i would talk to him," he said.

"i can't, he will think i'm crazy," i sigh.

"i doubt it. he really cares about you mae," ethan said, matter-of-factly.

i sigh once again and nod my head. ethan helps me up and i brush off my pants. i thank him and we step back into the living room. i see emma and grayson talking and laughing and my stomach drops. i look over at ethan and the same expression is on his face as it is on mine. i rush over and sit next to gray, attaching to his arm.

he turns himself to look at me, and smiles. gosh that smile is precious. he loves me, he wouldn't hurt me. right? this is all just in my head.

"hi babygirl," he chirps. i gush at the sound of the nickname. my cheeks turn bright red and i lean up to kiss him.

he kissed me back and tries to deepen it. usually i wouldn't let this happen with company around but i give in just this once. he pulls me over onto his lap and places his large hands on my bottom. i smile into the kiss.

out of the corner of my eye i see emma staring. this could just be all in my head but she doesn't look too happy. i close my eyes once again and fall back into the kiss with grayson.

"i love you," he mumbles against my lips.

"i love you too," i say.

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