Chapter Two

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Martin Luther King, Jr: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

It was a few days after my incident with that Alan kid, but I had to force that out of my mind as all of the guys who played football at my old school, including my friends, were gathered in the gym that was inside our new one

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It was a few days after my incident with that Alan kid, but I had to force that out of my mind as all of the guys who played football at my old school, including my friends, were gathered in the gym that was inside our new one. We were all joking around, until two men walked in with authoritive stances.

"They must be our coaches," I whispered to Blue.

"Yeah. The one without salt and pepper is kind of scaring me a little." Blue chuckled in return.

The coach that Blue was talking about called out his name, Herman Boone, then he introduced the other couch that was with him.

The other coach called out my name. "Hudson Morgan."

I stepped forward, which left him and Coach Boone shocked.

"I have two positions, sir. Defensive lineman, and backup quarterback for Rev, if he's hospital-worthy ill or has a few broken bones, sir." I called out.

He wrote down something on his clipboard as a large white kid rocked up. He explained what he was doing here, and stated his position before Coach Boone was cut off by several of the gym doors opening, revealing the "infamous" Coach Yoast and his team.

Among his players was a familiar face. That face being Alan's.

I took in a sharp breath as we made eye contact, not knowing what to say. The two groups had a staredown as Coach Yoast and Coach Boone left the gym, most likely to discuss some matters that didn't concern us.

Everyone in the town knew who Gerry Bertier was, and his best friend Ray, with Ray being the dictionary's definition of womaniser. I pushed through Rev and Julius, so I was standing at the front of our group so I could confront Ray after he said some shit that I definitely did not like.

"Asshole, why don't you watch your fucking mouth? We're all here for one reason, and that's to play football. So grow the fuck up, stop acting like a little bitch, before I send you home to your mama in a fucking wheelchair," I snarled at him.

Everyone was shocked at my comment, except for Ray. He just cackled and smiled like a goddamn dumbass.

"What are you doing hanging out with those fucking monkeys? Someone like you could do way better by being on my side." Ray smirked.

"I'm one of them. You call them monkeys, I call them my brothers. I may be a monkey, but at least I'm not a sheepish fucking cow." I replied before we were all told to go home.

I invited Petey, Blue, Rev and Julius to my place so we could talk and hang out. We were all sitting on the different couches in my living room, except for Petey who was holding a photo of my parents.

"Huds, who are these people?" He asked me as I realised what photo he was holding up.

"Those are my parents," was all I said as Petey put the photo down.

I handed them a beer each, before there was a knock on my door. I told them to hide upstairs, and I waited until they were out of my sight before I answered the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Alan, narrowing my eyes.

"I was wondering if you had a spare tie lying around. Do you?" He asked, looking up and making eyey contact with me.

I swear I saw something good inside of them. Maybe it was my future that I saw...wait, what the hell are you fucking thinking Hudson?

It can't be him, it just fucking can't! Don't try anything with Alan Bosley, for fucks sake!

"Yeah I do, just...just wait out here. Can you even do that?" I told him before I walked up the inner stairs and opened one of the closets that was in the hallway.

I grabbed one of my dad's ties, walked back down the inner stairs and I handed Alan the tie. As I did so, he grabbed my wrist and I swear I felt something tingle inside of my body, sparking a new kind of energy within me.

He held my hand for a few seconds before he said, "See you at camp Hudson."

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