Chapter Four

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Isaac Newton: if I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

A/N: I just realised I haven't actually given a face claim for Hudson's dad. Well, his name is John "Freeman" Morgan and he will be played by Pedro Pascal. Just thought I'd put this here for when he will eventually pop up. Thank you so much for 3.64K! I never thought that this book would get to that much. Again, thank you so very much. Ok, back to the story.

August 15th, 7:28am was the time I arrived at the school, praying I wasn't too late. I got out of Mrs Hendrickson's car quickly and thanked her for driving me to the school.

"It's no problem, sweetheart. Have fun at camp!" She replied, driving off as soon as she was done talking.

I fixed the strap of my backpack and lifted my suitcase up, walking towards the buses and where the coaches were gathered. The parents of the white kids were whispering about me, while I briefly greeted the parents of my friends, not wanting to be later than I already was. Coach Boone noticed me walking up, and stopped his conversation as I finally stood in front of him.

"Miss Morgan, are you aware what time it is?" He asked, watching Coach Yoast to see his reaction.

"It is," I looked at my watch, then looked back up at Coach Boone, "7:29am, sir. I made it before 7:30, but I am aware that I cut it close. And for that, I apologise."

Coach Boone smiled, but it wasn't a proper one. "Good. Just wait here for a moment." He said, before walking on to the buses and pulling everyone off of them.

"What in the blue blazes is he doing?" Coach Yoast muttered under his breath.

Once everyone was off of the buses, Coach Boone made them stand as a group in front of all the coaches.

"Alright, now that that's sorted, I need you all to listen up. The front bus is going to be for the defensive players, and the back bus will be for offensive. And on each set of seats will be a pair of players of different colour. They will also be your roommate for the duration of camp." He began to point to players, and directed them on which bus to go on. He eventually pointed to Bosley, and paired him up with me.

As Alan and I got seated after re-organising our bags on the buses, Alan talked to me. "I guess this means we're going to be roommates as well. If it's going to be too awkward after what happened a couple of days ago, I can..."

I cut Alan off. "It's fine. I'm used to it by now. Besides, if Coach Boone found out you were gonna try and switch rooms with someone else, he'd probably go ballistic." This made Alan chuckle, which eased the tension a little bit.

Soon enough, everyone was ready and the buses were filled. They began to drive off, but the tension and silence was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. I looked towards Blue, and he smiled. I could tell what he was going to do, which is why I mouthed 'no' at him. but he ignored my warning, and began to sing. I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face.

Julius leaned over so he was right in Blue's face. "Blue, shut the he'll up. I don't want to hear my more of your minstrel singing, or any yodelling, or anything come out of your mouth until we get to where we gotta go. You understand?"

Blue nodded, which satisfied Julius as he sat properly in his seat again. As he faced the front, his seat buddy Gerry, who was one of Alan's friends, spoke up.

"You got that right." I muffled the laugh that came out of me after I saw Julius' reaction to that.

"You can shut up too." And with that, the silence returned to the bus of the defensive team.

I thought about striking up a conversation with Alan, but as soon as I looked out the side of my eye, it looked like he wasn't interested. I let out a sigh, settling for watching the greenery of the trees get passed by us. If this is what the entirety of camp is going to be like, then we won't have any chance of winning a game, let alone the whole season.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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