Chapter 1: Encounter

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My hands were bound in chains keeping my quirk at bay. They were escorting me to Tartarus, why did it have to be Tartarus? I'd begged for a different prison, but the officials wouldn't budge none of them would, why would they. I am a villain.

There was a guard sitting in the back with me pointing a taser as he looked on his phone, real classy. Its not like he needed the taser any... oh no.

Without thinking I jumped on top of the guard in the back. The taser shooting shock waves throughout by body making it spasm as a beam of light split the car in half and piercing my back. I clenched my jaw as I rolled onto my back my body shaking. Crap.

Pushing myself up, I grabbed the collar of the guard's shirt. Unconscious great. Looking to the front of the car the other two guards had been charred with no hope. Break and run scenario, cliché much. The van had been stopped on a deserted highway with a forest below. I can hide the guard down there. I jumped.

We tumbled down the embankment, the movement waking the guard up. He went to yell for help before I quickly covered his mouth.

'Do you want them to kill you. Radio for help, I'll lead them away,' I said before limping off in the other direction.

My back burned and my leg spasmed every time I put weight on it, but I got to lead them away. I could hear their voices echoing from away, mocking me, taunting, this is going to hurt when they catch up. I pushed further into the forest, the sounds of their footsteps getting louder. Not long now ... what's that. Four kids ran out wearing costumes. The leader wearing a green suit with ears on the top.

'There she is.' It came from behind. Three guys came running out from the thicket, not them. I looked over my shoulder too see one of them start to charge up. No, he'll get the kids.

'Get down,' I yelled as I jumped on top of them and pushed them to the ground.

The guy fired and a beam of light shot straight through my shoulder. My body screamed in agony, my shoulder was barely attached as I clenched my teeth. They're going all out this time.

'Run. Now,' I said as I pushed myself up and ran away from the kids. They're after me so at least two should follow and hopefully the kids can get away with just one guy.

A piercing pain shot through my leg and I tumbled down a hill. First my back, then my shoulder and now my leg. They really don't care do they. My whole body seized up as two guys stepped out of the bush.

'Not going back. It's gone, you can't control me,' I laughed. A wave of pain shot up my spine. I glared at one of the guys. He had his hands in his pockets and was staring at me with blood red eyes. I really hate his quirk.

'You're coming whether you like it or not and don't worry, the doctor has another one already ready,' the guy with red eyes said. No. I'm not going back, I'm not.

'SMASH!' a flash of green blew threw the air as the red eyed guy was thrown a few feet back. What was that? Who is that? The lighting around the person faded and ... the BOY in the green suit. My body still spasmed as I managed to lean my back against a tree, the bark digging into the wound on my back and over-sensitive skin from the nerve attack.

'I told you to run kid,' I growled out as I rolled my head back against the tree. The kid didn't look at me, he kept his eyes on the red eyed guy and his friend who was helping him up. How is the kid here anyway and where is the other guy? He should be here by now or did those kids beat him. No, that would mean that these kids are ... heroes. Just when this day couldn't get any better. I can already see the headlines, Chao breaks out and kills fledgling hero.

'Deku we're here,' said a voice beside me. It was one of the other kids. Spiky red hair and a shirt with sleeves but no centre. Behind him were two girls, one had a pink suit on that looked like she was a marshmallow and the other looked like a frog.

'Get her out of here Riot,' Deku said. The guy with red eyes looked pissed as he diverted his gaze between Deku and me. The Riot fellow tried to lift me up but by whole body was alight, even the grass felt like thousands of knives digging into my flesh.

'N-no. If we leave, he'll d-die,' I managed to say. The kids looked at each other and then Deku. I looked around and saw a rock not a few feet from where I was laying.

'Poor Chao, trying everything to get away and now four innocent kids are going to die,' the guy with red eyes said. I continued to slowly crawl over to the rock as the kids were looking at the opponents. No more. I don't want to do this anymore.

'Who are you,' said Deku. The man smiled.

'I'm the Reaper. I'll make you wish you were dead,' he said. No, move faster.

I reached the rock and with all my strength I smashed my hands against it. The cuffs didn't break. Again. The kids noticed what I was doing along with Reaper and his friend. Reaper laughed as I bashed my hands against the rock again. Blood painted the rock as my fingers shook, I couldn't feel my hands anymore, but I had to do this. I'm not going to let these kids die.

'Stop, you're causing yourself more harm,' the marshmallow girl said. She grabbed my arm and I flinched from the pain. My nerves were still on fire, but this had to be done.

'He won't beat them,' I bashed my hands against the rock again. 'His friend has a barrier quirk; no brute strength can break it.' Failed again, my hands were wrangled messes now. 'And his quirk is Nerve attack. He can manipulate the central nervous system of a person he is looking directly at. Your friend doesn't stand a chance unless I help but I can't with these cuffs,' I bashed the cuffs against the rock again and still no use. My body was starting to shut down from the pain. I can't, I can't give in. Even if I'm a villain to these kids I don't want anymore death, not on my hands.

I feel back onto the ground, my breathing staggered as I looked over to see Deku trying to fight. His face was screwed up in pain as he tried to break down the barrier. The other three kids were looking down at me. With the last bit of strength, I lifted my cuffed hands to them. Riot brought his hand down on the cuffs, shattering them.

'Riot what did you do that for,' yelled the marshmallow girl. I flexed my fingers as they slowly healed. Not enough to get away but enough to save these kids.

'Thanks,' I said before a string of roots encased all three of them.

'Guys!' Deku shouted as I turned to look at them.

'They're okay. His quirk won't work if he can't see them,' I said as I placed my hand on the ground.

I sent a smile at red eyes who directed his gaze towards me. Shooting pain spread throughout my body as roots burst out from under their feet. My leg twisted and snapped, and I screamed as my arm was slowly torn apart from the inside as he kept his gaze on me. Deku was trying to break the barrier. The roots climbed up both of their feet, towards their torso and finally there faces. With one last jolt of pain both arms went limp as the roots cocooned them. With the last of my energy and the little bit of feeling I had in my finger I brought down the root barrier holding the other three kids. Black dots started appearing in my vision as all four kids entered my line of vision. Their mouths were moving but I couldn't hear and then I couldn't see. At least I managed to save someone in my life.

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