Chapter 11: Babysitting/ Guarded

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I was finally let out of the hospital, but I always had to be watched in case another event occurred where the quirks inside my body would try and destroy me and lucky me it was some of the baby heroes. Currently, a few of them had time off from their work studies and to get some extra credit for the hero course they just had to babysit and guard me. Yay.

A few of them had taken the extra credit option, either to boost their popularity or curiosity, I couldn't tell. I honestly just wanted to go back to the teacher's lounge and dorm area but that wasn't happening as I was sat in the baby heroes class dorms playing a game of cards.

The girl that dropped off the clothes with the teachers was one of them, I think her name was Yaoyorozu or something. She was sitting next to me trying to help me understand this game. This is classed as hero work? Seriously? Next to her was a girl with funny ears and a guy that had yellow hair with a black lightning bolt running through it. There was also a bubbly pink girl with tiny horns on her head and lastly a small guy with purple ball like hair. What was surprising was none of the four that saved me were apart of the group.

I let out a yawn as the blonde boy next to me placed a card down eliciting a groan out of the girl with weird ears.

'Come on Kaminari, that's the third time you've pulled that card with me,' she groaned as she started picking up cards. I still had no idea what was going on with the game and just sat back. Yaoyorozu is playing for both of us. Kaminari just smirked at her.

'So why did Aizawa Sensei say this is an extra credit class. All we're doing it sitting around playing games?' asked the girl with weird ears as she finished picking up the cards. I let out a yawn as Yaoyorozu pointed to me.

'Remember this is the villain Catastrophe or Chao. We're too guard and make sure nothing happens to her,' Yaoyorozu explained. I gave a small wave as I yawned again. This game was so boring. I rolled my neck as the pink girl with horns stood up and sat down next to me, brushing against my wing. I looked at her bleary-eyed as she smiled at me. Do they have a smiling course because everyone I meet her seems to want to smile?

'She doesn't look like a villain with those wings and I don't remember Chao having wings,' said the pink girl. I gave her a grimace as the wings ruffled against my back.

'They're new, to my dismay,' I replied.

After that everyone wanted to know more about me? What was there to learn about me, I don't even know? Like favorite food, color, movie, they were all thrown at me. The purple-haired boy asked some interesting questions which Yaoyorozu told me to ignore. I didn't even know what he meant?

I shrugged to most of the questions as I didn't have a preference. Food was food to my understanding, and you take it when you can get it. Colors, if it wasn't black then I was fine, and I didn't know any movies so I couldn't answer that question. Then, questions about heroes and villains popped up and what it was like being a villain. The mood went dark quickly as I clenched my jaw.

It was just another reminder that I shouldn't be here. These kids are training to become heroes someday and save the world while I was an obstacle in their path. Even if I didn't do it consciously, I still killed people and their blood was on my hands. I clutched my side as a short burst of pain bloomed. Nothing will ever change. Even after two or so months here I will still be the villain. If I stayed another two months, I would still be a villain. That's all my life will ever be now no matter what someone says.

Hado's words haunt me everywhere I go, your wings are like Angel Wings. I'll call you Angel. An angel is supposed to be pure and good not someone who has a cursed existence. An angel can give people hope and make them feel safe, all I ever did was cause pain and misery. Why did I have to sprout wings? Why did the doctor implant Hawks quirk inside of me? Why did they have to be white?

Why must I live in this cursed existence?

Knowing Hado, Togata, and Amajiki has been nice, they treat me like a friend, but I know its all for show. All they're doing is guarding me and making sure I don't kill anyone. I don't even know if I could anymore. Even if the doctor found me and took me back, whether I have my quirk is the real question. I'm useless to them without Regen and with all the quirks inside my body, I can't even use one quirk. To heroes, I'm a villain and to the villains, I'd just be a broken tool. There wasn't any place for me. Hell, these baby heroes are only here to guard me.

Maybe it would've been better if I had died when Tenko Shimura killed everybody in our family. Maybe then I wouldn't be here, causing pain and misfortune and making baby heroes miss out on work studies because they have to guard me. No matter what I'm a burden. Angel, who is she kidding. I'll never be an angel.


I woke up to someone poking me in the cheek. After who knows how many hours, I was stuck with the baby heroes I was finally allowed to go back to my room to sleep. I'd instantly curled up into a ball on the bed, exhausted from all the interacting with the baby heroes and now someone was poking me in the cheek. I opened one eye to see the squirt.

She was looking at me with her big red eyes, one of her fingers on my cheek as she shuffled nervously by the bed. What's the squirt doing here? First the hospital and now here, what's going on. I let out a yawn as I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked at her.

'What do you want squirt?'

Eri looked down to the ground, rubbing her elbow before she looked back at me, her eyes even wider than before.

'I can't sleep.' I cocked an eyebrow as another yawn passed my lips. My wings rustled as I rolled my shoulders, the muscles contracting from my position on the bed.

She can't sleep and she's coming to me. Seriously? Why not go to Togata or Midoriya? Why come to me if she can't sleep?

'Okay. Why aren't you with Togata then?' She shuffled on her feet.

'Lemillion-san told me stories of you – and how you're like me.' Completely ignoring my question as to why she isn't with Togata. So Togata has been talking about me to the squirt, hmm, interesting.

She scuffed her feet on the ground as she looked away from me. I rolled my eyes and rolled over. The squirt got the hint and quickly rushed into bed, curling into my side as one of my wings curled around her. She looked up at the wing covering her and started tracing the gold specks on the feathers. My eyes got heavier as another yawn passed and my head curled into my pillow as the squirt seemed entranced by the wings. I nudged her weakly with my elbow about to fall back asleep.

'Go to sleep squirt,' I mumbled before falling asleep. The damn squirt.


After that, the squirt kept coming into my room to sleep. Sometimes I would catch her horn glowing which meant her quirk was active and other nights the room was pitch black. Togata, Midoriya, and Aizawa noticed the change in Eri's behavior as she had begun to stick by my side. When Hado learned about it she let out a laugh and said I was her Guardian Angel. I just groaned and flopped on the couch. I swear to god Hado is obsessed with Angels.

Aizawa noticed something peculiar about Eri. It was after the fourth or fifth night I found her in my room and her horn was glowing again. He's under the impression that Eri's quirk has no effect on me which is another reason why she's begun to cling to me like a baby monkey. That would make a lot of sense seeing as I've woken up to her quirk being active and the first few times everyone freaked out. It could have to do with one of the many quirks in my body or a specific quirk. Honestly, the quirk that would make the most sense would be my Regen but its currently not working. Maybe my body is just so screwed up with all the quirks that her quirk just can't work. So, basically, I'm invincible to time itself. Great. We really need to sort out this quirk overload situation. I'm not in the mood to be an experiment and a freakshow anymore. 

A shit chapter I know, I'm sorry but some other students needed to interact with Shimura, not just the Big three, teachers and Midoriya and to be honest Kaminari and Mineta just fit the bill for needing to do extra credit classes aka babysitting the villain who's having a quirk overload and I couldn't just leave her with those two considering the class doesn't know much about her apart from Midoriya who Togata talks to. The Big Three yes, they're super strong, apart from Togata without his quirk which Shimura still doesn't know about. However, class 1a still learning, need a little more support and Yaoyorozu met her. That's my logic, sorry for the bad chapter. I'll try and do better.

Till next time, Plus Ultra

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