coming out - Mike (+ Nancy)

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Mike x TWIN! Reader
A PART OF A SERIES (kind of)

This scene is when Y/N comes out to Mike. It was meant to be apart of my Max imagine, COMING OUT, but I decided to do it separately. This is after you came out to Will.

This was it, you're finally going to tell Mike the truth. You knew you had to do it before you came out to everyone else, you just hope that he won't be upset or disgusted or disappointed, he's your twin and his opinion mattered more to you than anyone else.

"Mike, there's something I've gotta tell everyone but I-I thought I should tell you first."  The two of you are hanging out in the basement, waiting for everyone to arrive. As you stumble over your words, your twin looks up to you with furrowed eyebrows — you aren't usually nervous or shy. Mike sits down beside you, facing you so you knew that he was listening. Mike knew it had to be serious, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this.

"What is it, Y/N?" You tried to keep your composure, but a lump had built up in your throat and your eyes were watery and irritated. You found yourself sniffling, tears forcing their way out of your eyes as you bury your face into your hands. Your sobs filled the room, you were lucky that your parents weren't home. Mike gets up very quickly, alarmed and kneels down in front of you. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay. Just take deep slow breaths, in and out."

You manage to take some deep breaths and Mike offers you a handkerchief, which you gladly accept. Your brother looks into your eyes, unable to read you. It scared him, he usually knew what was going on in that H/C head of yours. "Now, what's going on?" You look down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers. "You know you can tell me anything, Y/N, you know that." Your eyes flicker back to his and you wipe your tears as they continued to fall.

"Mike... I'm s-scared to tell you because I don't want you to think of me any d-differently... You're probably the most important person in my life, you're my t-twin, my other half..." Mike smiles at the comment. "I don't want that to change because of w-what I'm about to say." Your brother ruffles your hair a bit before grabbing your hand and squeezing it.

"You're my sister, I love you no matter what you tell me. Hell, you could tell me you murdered someone and I'd still love you the same... well, maybe that's a stretch." You giggle at the silly add-on. You hear a pair of heels click down the stairs and before you can even process what's going on, Nancy rushes over and sits down on the couch beside you. Your older sister pulls you into a tight hug.

"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" You sniffle into her shoulder before trying to compose yourself again. You look up, trying to avoid tears before looking at them.

"Look, what I'm about to tell you... you can't tell anyone, not even mum and dad." Mike and Nancy exchange a look. You sigh, rubbing your hands together. "I'll tell everyone in my own time, but for now, I'm trusting the two of you to keep it quiet."

"Of course, Y/N." Mike smiles reassuringly.

"Whatever you need," Nancy smiles comfortingly, a hand rubbing your back. You squeeze your eyes shut and blurt it out before you can take it back.

"I'm gay/bisexual/whatever label you feel comfortable with." The room becomes silence after those two words leave your mouth, the only thing breaking the harsh atmosphere being your quiet sniffles. Mike stares at you, dumbfounded, trying to find the right words to say as Nancy begins to piece everything together.

"The other day, when you asked me for advice about your crush,"

"It was a girl." You confirm, your heart slowly sinking. "I like Max, a lot actually." You look at Mike directly as you admit your crush. Mike finally seems to catch up and hugs you tightly. You freeze, unsure how to react, but then you awkwardly hug back. Nancy joins in and the three of you sit like that for a moment in silence.

"How long have you known?" The three of you pull away and you look at Mike in confusion.

"That's it? No yelling, no denial, no nothing?" Mike shakes his head with a small smile before asking again.

"How long have you known?" You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly.

"Since that time Dustin kissed me as a dare?" Both Mike and Nancy's eyebrows shoot up.

"Y/N, we were ten when that happened!"

"Uh, yeah I know." Nancy frowns.

"Why didn't you tell us?" You run a hand through your hair.

"Because... I didn't want to accept it myself." You reply and the room seems to go silent again. "I mean, come on, have you seen the news? People are getting beaten, abused and even murdered for loving who they want to love." You sigh in frustration. "You guys have it easy," You look at the two of them. "You can go out with your partner and no one will even bat an eye, but if I were to go out with my girlfriend, I could be killed." You start to cry again, this time wearily.


"It's not fair!" You startle your siblings. "You get to live in this world freely and I can't even talk to my family about bringing home a girl. I'm trapped and I'm so tired that sometimes giving up seems like the only option." Sobs wrack through your body and Nancy engulfs you in another hug.

"Y-Y/N." You hasn't even noticed your sister begin to start crying. You pull away and notice Mike tearing up too. "We will never understand what it's like to deal with the things that you have to deal with, the daily struggles and disadvantages, but we love you so so much. We want you to be happy and if that means being with someone of the same sex, we'll accept you. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

"We're gonna be here for you when you have to go through that bullshit." You giggle as Nancy scolds Mike or his language. "Things will get better, we promise." You smile at your brother, giving him a tight hug. "At least we can talk about girls together."

WORD COUNT: 1108 words