Chapter 5

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He stalked out of the castle and made his way towards the lake. Halfway there he changed his mind and headed for the Forbidden Forest instead. He could hear Snape yelling for him to come back from somewhere behind him. He ignored him. Fuck Snape. Fuck Dumbledore. Fuck the entire Order. For over a month since he'd taught Hermione a thing or two about Occlumency and Legilimency he'd been called repeatedly to that old son of a bitch's office because Dumbledore was 'worried' about him being 'withdrawn' half of the time and 'temperamental' the other half. He'd said his peace, told them all why he was, and nothing had changed. Oh wait, something had changed. Today, first he'd seen Remus show up at the castle and head upstairs to Dumbledore's office. Not twenty minutes later, Ron's parents had done the same with a worried glance at him. He knew it meant an Order meeting was being held, yet another meeting he hadn't been invited to. Pissed off beyond belief at that, he'd blasted the gargoyle out of the way of Dumbledore's stairs to tell the whole damned Order as one that they weren't welcome to use his house as headquarters anymore. He'd had the words on the tip of his tongue when he'd opened the door to the old man's office. They'd frozen on his tongue seeing a good chunk of the Order in there along with his best friend, Hermione Granger.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," he'd said tilting his head back towards the ceiling and rubbing his face.

"Harry-" Remus said nervously standing up.

"Don't," he'd seethed dropping his head and hands to glare at all of them. "What Voldemort is doing is my business more than anyone's in this room, but I'm the only one not invited to hear what's going on."

"Yes, I can see how well you would handle what you may hear during a meeting such as this when you have handled the rest of what you have learned thus far so well," Snape snorted.

"Fuck you, Snape," he retorted. "Fuck you and fuck the Order. Don't any of you ever speak to me again."

He slammed the door on his way out and headed down the stairs. At the bottom on them, he turned and cast a ward around the doorway and the statue before turning again and heading down the stairs to the main floor. His winter robe met him at the bottom of the stairs just from a flick of his wrist. That led him to where he currently was, less than ten feet from the Forbidden Forest with Snape yelling again and Hermione screaming for him to stop from a good distance behind him. He didn't listen to either of them disappearing inside the trees. He moved faster once he had just to keep a good distance away from them hoping Snape wouldn't follow and the greasy git didn't let Hermione either. With his brisk pace and anger still overwhelming, it didn't take long before the sound of them yelling for him faded away.

Having a bad day, Potter?

You can fuck off, too, Harry retorted, sat down on a tree stump, braced his elbows on his knees, and pressed his forehead into his hands. Voldemort went silent and Harry sighed. At least the spell worked.

What spell?

The spell I found to keep my head from trying to explode every time you talk to me or are in a particularly foul mood. And stop listening to everything I'm thinking. You're worse than they are.

Then push me away. You know how to.

Harry sighed and dropped his hands lifting his head. He glanced around trying to get some sense of where he was in the forest. He paused when he recognized one of the sets of trees.

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