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Twenty Years Later

"But Professor Jumbly," Ian Mallcott, a sixth year Ravenclaw said holding his hand up interrupting the Transfigurations professor, "that's not exactly true. According to the book, Animagus Abound, Mistress LeStrange states that any witch or wizard can be taught how to become an animagus. According to her, Minister Potter became one at the age of twenty-five after studying things left behind by his father and godfather and taught her and her husband how to become animagus as well."

"Those cases are rarities, Mr. Mallcott," the Professor replied looking sternly at the boy. "Also, to my knowledge no one has ever seen either take on their animagus forms and none have registered as such with the Ministry."

"But they don't have to anymore," a girl said confused. "That law was rescinded years ago. My mum is an animagus and she's not registered either."

"Well she should be," the professor snapped. "You all were born and raised in very different times, brought up to follow these new wizarding ways. In my opinion they haven't been for the better. Children should not be doing magic anywhere except at school and should not even be instructed in magic until they have reached the age of eleven as was once the ways of our world. And this mess of allowing animagus to roam about without registering their forms only leads to more chaos. It is his doing, his way of finding those who oppose him and stamping out their voices of reason."

"His? His who?" Ian asked confused.

"You-Know-Who!" she shouted.

"Well, it has been some time since I was referred to as such," Voldemort said stepping into the classroom doorway.

"Eee, it's My Lord," Heather Dundoggle squeaked excitedly before slapping her hands over her mouth as the entire class stood and then immediately lowered to one knee. Harry, walking in behind his bonded mate for two decades this week, watched the professor back into a corner before doing the same, fear etched in the woman's face. He chuckled and Voldemort looked at him amused before turning back to the class, and particularly, the girl.

It had been a long road to get where he and Voldemort were now. The announcement of Voldemort being back and that he'd bonded with the Dark Lord sent the wizarding world into a complete panic. Some people tried to flee the country while others locked themselves in their homes under Fidelus Charms. Rebellion groups sprang up literally overnight. None of that did any good, not with Voldemort back with him at Voldemort's side and every Death Eater who'd once been imprisoned in Azkaban free to strike down any and all signs of revolt.

As weeks and months passed with new laws being made and others being changed, things that benefited the wizarding world as he'd always promised any changes that came under his tenure as Minister of Magic would, people slowly began to relax and come out into the wizarding world again. And his lover using all the charisma of the old Tom Riddle in public addresses to the wizarding world detailing some of his future plans drew his lover support little by little. Those that refused to support his lover, well; they were dealt with in private.

For him and Voldemort privately, it took years for him to regain the man's complete trust again. He never occluded his mind anymore for that reason, not even when he planned gifts or surprises of any kind. Though it was never really a surprise, his lover always smiled at him when he presented the gifts or they entered the party anyway.

It wasn't always good times for them. More than once they'd had loud arguments that lasted for days. There were just some policies that his lover wanted put into place that he couldn't agree with no matter how much he loved and supported the Lord and Master of the Wizarding World. The dispute over Muggle-borns being exiled, imprisoned, or killed was the worst argument they'd ever had. Eventually, they'd come to an agreement where he was responsible for the actions of ever Muggle-born in the wizarding world and they weren't allowed to speak or get near his lover. There were a lot of other restrictions placed upon Muggle-borns, but at least they weren't killed anymore. It was only him reminding his lover that he wouldn't be there if it weren't for a Muggle-born witch that finally made Voldemort relent. While his lover would never admit that he was right, he knew that Voldemort wouldn't be feeling the joy the man was at the moment if he weren't.

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