Phoenix Is Sick

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Phoenix shot up from his bed, drenched in a cold sweat, although he felt incredibly warm. The overwhelming nausea in his stomach made him wish he hadn't bolted up so suddenly. He took a few deep breaths and muttered "Ugh... Why today..."

The slight movement from the attorney's partner in the bed was enough to send his head spinning. He clutched onto it in a desperate attempt to make it stop.

"Did you say something?" Came a voice. Phoenix looked over to his right to see that his husband, Miles Edgeworth, had woken up.
"nnngh...sorry, d-did I wake you up?"
"I've actually been up for a while now."
"Are you feeling OK? You got up quite suddenly, and you don't sound too well."

Phoenix couldn't tell Miles how he was feeling because he had a big case that day and he was the lead defense. If his husband found out that he was ill then he would make him stay home for sure.

"I'm fine, I just... Had a bad dream..I'm still a bit tired.."
"Ah, would you like me to make you some coffee?"
"N-no thanks, I'm good."

The prosecutor raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more. Phoenix was lucky that the room was too dark for Edgeworth to see how pale he was. Shakily, he turned towards his bedside table and read the time. 9:43. He had about an hour and fifteen minutes before the trial started.

"You didn't think I would let you be late, did you? I am the one driving you there."
"Y-yeah.. I know"
"Oh also, I forgot to mention that I'll be prosecuting."
"Oh? How come?" This was the last thing he needed right now. He tried to ignore the awful feeling in his stomach to no avail.
"One of the witnesses seems...slightly shady... With that in mind, I get the feeling your client is not the guilty party here."
"... 'Kay..."
If the room were brighter, Phoenix would've been able to see the look of concern growing on his partner's face.
" Phoenix. "
"Are you sure you're feeling OK? You're quieter than usual..."
"I'm f-fine, don't worry about me," he forced himself to smile, even though Miles couldn't see him, "a-anyway, we should get ready soon."
".... Ok..."

During breakfast, Miles was wondering weather he was seeing things, or if his husband looked paler than usual. He didn't eat much either, only one or two bites of toast. It actually looked like there was some sort of struggle involved in ingesting the food.
"You can't work on an empty stomach, you need to eat." Edgeworth tried to reason with him but Phoenix just shook his head and pushed the plate away.

Now, the prosecutor wasn't stupid. He knew that Phoenix was sick, but he was also stubborn. No amount of arguing would convince him to stay home, and arguing is the last thing his husband needed, anyway.

He decided he would call Apollo, just to let him know.

"Justice speaking! "
"No need for the formalities, it's just me."
"Oh, Mr Edgeworth! I heard you would be taking on the prosecution at today's trial."
"Yes. About the trial, you'll be taking it with Phoenix, correct?"
"Yep! Apparently when we talked to the witness, my bracelet reacted at the same time as his magatama! I don't trust him one bit!"
"neither do I but, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh? What's up?"
"Well, Phoenix seems to be unwell at the moment but I won't be able to convince him to stay home. I'm asking that you keep an eye on him when I can't to make sure he's OK."
Apollo sighed "Stubborn as always... Yeah I'll keep an eye out, or, at least stop him from passing out in court"
"Thank you Mr. Justice, I must go now."
"Alright, see ya!"


Apollo knew that Phoenix was sick, but he did not expect to see what he saw. His boss was greenish, shaking, sweating and that was just his appearance. He couldn't imagine how he was feeling at that moment.

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