Sleep On It?

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* I got the idea from @minty so I give story credit to them :)*

"Sorry, I have another call coming in, I'll get back to you when I can."

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Justice is not in the country right now, I can refer you to my colleague, Miss Cykes, or I can take on the case if you'd like."

"Ah, Detective Gumshoe, I've looked over the autopsy for Mr Forenn's case, and I thought the cause of death was quite odd, I though he died due to- oh? But I have the file right H- ah. That's for another case. My mistake..."

"I'm not gonna be able to read all of these case files in time..."

It had been like like this all week. All four weeks of this month. Phoenix had become quite a successful attorney, as one would imagine, but this was getting ridiculous. He had to attend seven court cases next week- one every day- while also making time for the investigation of other cases.

Apollo was out of the country as he was dealing with some cases in Kura'in, and Athena had a few cases to deal with herself. Phoenix didn't want to stress her out with any more, since she seemed exhausted over the past few days.

Exhausted. That was what Phoenix was feeling. He was exhausted - no, that's putting it lightly- Phoenix hadn't slept in days, weeks even. He had been running around between cases, answering phone calls, investigating and fighting in court. The workload was too much for the attorney, and he had even fainted a few times due to the stress. Or lack of sleep, take your pick.

Of course, Miles and Athena were trying to get him to rest, but being the stubborn (and currently paranoid) man that he was, he refused. He used every excuse to not drop the cases, dodging every argument thrown at him.

"Mr Wright, I can take over a couple cases for you, its really no problem! Your emotions are all over the place right now, you aren't thinking straight and you need to rest!" Athena tried to reason with him, but her boss just made a joke and shrugged it off.

"No no, you have enough cases to deal with at the moment, I can handle this. Besides, I think the reason I can't think straight is because Miles is here." yeah... She wasn't about to continue that conversation...

"Phoenix, please, you have to rest. Think about your health, you... You can barely go a day without passing out! This isn't good for you and you know it. I mean, look at the bags under your eyes! If it weren't for your hair, one could almost mistake you for Blackquill!" Miles out of everybody was the most concerned. He of all people would know how much the lack of sleep could affect you. After all, he'd been there himself.

Phoenix wouldn't look his husband in the eyes. He knew that Edgeworth knew that he couldn't keep up with everything. He'd said it himself.

"Phoenix, are you ok? You're quite pale, do you feel unwell?" Miles had come home to find his husband, sitting on the sofa reading case files. A lot of them. Apart from that, there were a few problems. The spikey haired lawyer was shaking slightly, his skin was a deathly pale tone and his eyes were half closed. Miles walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water for fear that Phoenix might faint again. He had been so sleep deprived recently that he just couldn't seem to go a week without shutting down.

The prosecutor made his way back into the living room, "Here," he said, handing Phoenix the glass. He nodded in gratitude, and turned his attention back to the paperwork he was previously occupied with.

"Put the papers down for a moment, we need to talk."
"But I need to-"
"Phoenix Wright" He used a more stern tone when he spoke that time
"Ok, ok, what's up? Something on your mind?"
"No, I wanted to ask if there was anything on yours. The amount of cases you have right now is surely stress inducing, am I wrong?"

Phoenix though for a moment, and sighed. He knew that his husband would see right through his lie if he told one. "yeah, I guess I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment, but it comes with the job, right?" he offered a tired smile.

"No, fighting for the truth comes with the job, gathering information and revealing lies comes with the job, but we're talking about your health here! You've passed out at least once a week this whole month--because you simply don't have time to rest. Please, just drop some of the cases you're taking, and take care of yourself. "

" I.. I wont just leave my clients like that, it... It's not right! But, I'm not taking any more cases at the moment, so once these are over, I'll have the chance to rest. I'm not even sure if I can keep up with all of this..."

After that conversation, Edgeworth had tried to help Phoenix as much as he could, only, that proved to be difficult since he had so little experience as a defense attorney. Phoenix had swore that it was ok, that Miles didn't need to go out of his way to try and help, but that didn't stop him.  Being cheif prosecutor, he had quite a lot of free time on his hands since he was only called in for important cases. He only happened to be working one of the cases that his husband was taking.

He wanted to talk with Phoenix some more, but Athena called his attention away for the time being. He glanced back at the defense attorney, still working endlessly.

*two days later *

Phoenix had just returned from a court case, rubbing his eyes and dumping the now empty cup of coffee into the bin.

"How did it go boss?" Athena asked enthusiastically. Phoenix yawned, and took a moment to process what she had said.
"oh, uh, turns out she was guilty after all" he replied sleepily.
"Who was? You have waaaay too many cases to keep track of."
"um, Mrs Forenn, I think"

Just then, Miles emerged from the storage room in the office, carrying a full bin bag. It seemed that nobody had cleaned that place in a while. He stepped outside to dispose of it.

"That's unfortunate, I thought she seemed like a nice lady."
"you get deceived way to easily, we should probably work on that... When I have time."
Athena gave him a stern look "No, when you have time I'm gonna make you sleep one way or another. Oh and by the way, I was talking to Apollo over the phone earlier  and he thinks that you're being completely ridiculous. I agree with him because you're seriously putting your job before you health and-" The young attorney went off on a rant of which her boss was only half paying attention to. Miles came back inside, not looking the least bit phased by Athena's energy. After all, his husband was exactly like that, once upon a time.

Phoenix had lost the ability to concentrate just then, his vision became slightly blurry and the room was spinning. Before he could register any of that, everything went black.

Luckily, Edgeworth had caught him before he hit the floor, and Athena had stopped talking. Miles looked at the unconscious man in his arms, and then at the office sofa. He sighed softly "Phoenix, you stubborn fool... Let's sleep on this one, ok?"

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