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Neji looked around the house, his and Naruto's house. It seemed like it was a fit for both of them, he marveled at Naruto interior design skills. He walked up to their bedroom to see a note on the door, he just came home from a mission to see that Naruto left for a mission yesterday.

He had the entire house to himself, but he didn't want to be without Naruto. A week without Naruto and he was having withdraws like seriously, he only sighed and walked to his bed, laying his head down forgetting to take that nasty Chunin uniform off.

The village was peaceful now, Naruto,Neji and Shikamaru, Sayuri were promoted to Chunin. Hinata rightfully apologized, and begun dating Kiba. Everybody else was still a Genin and would be participating in the years Chunin exams, everything is as it should be.

Except for Naruto being on a mission when he was supposed to snuggled Into Neji. He needed to talk to Tsunade about sending them on missions. Especially since Naruto's heat is approaching since his birthday was two months ago.Neji realized that he was in his Chunin uniform still and stood to showerhis mission off him and laid back in the bed, wanting nothing more than to see Naruto.

Naruto was walking to Suna, he was asked by the Kazekage by name to come to his village for a secret mission. Tsunade didn't want to send him, seeing as Suna invaded, and that they could still have ties to somebody else but Naruto has still been training with Jiraiya and just as good in spying and infiltration.

He was fine, and as much as Tsunade hated it. She had to agree, Naruto was a spitting image of his father, the prodigy of Jiraiya's team, making his son a prodigy within it self, and Naruto was well on his way to Jounin and then Sannin. So Naruto made it to Suna two days after he left the village.

Once he made it to Suna he was lead to the Kazekage office, he didn't know who was Kage was since it was discovered that Raza was killed by Orochimaru but one step into the office he knew who the Kage was.

"You requested me by name Gaara?" Naruto asked dropping the honorific, he was the youngest Kazekage in history, being what Naruto assumed is sixteen, seventeen.

"Usually I wouldn't be as nice as nobody not greeting me by my title, but I need your help." Naruto tilted his head and Gaara sighed.

"I need you to fix my seal, I can't sleep, and Shikaku is a lot crazier than usual." Naruto hummed.

"If you draw a peace treaty with Konoha." Gaara nodded.

"I'll even pay for you and Neji's wedding." Naruto smiled.

"Let's get this over with, I miss Neji." Gaara only sighed and stood up.

"Kami you talk a lot when you are angry or not." Naruto chuckled.

"Don't be so sad, I'm sure you mate is out here somewhere, and when you marry them, I want an invite." Gaara stopped in front of the Sealing room.

"I invaded your village."

"Everybody makes mistakes, you were following orders and your soul was a lot more corrupted, you have been cleansing it. You are changing." Naruto said and Gaara snorted.

"Are all Leaf Shinobi one with their feelings?" Naruto laughed as Gaara laid on the table.

"God no, Neji hated me with a passion for a good three months." Naruto said and Gaara was surprised.

"Really now, wouldn't be able to tell with how attached at the hip you both are." Naruto smiled examining the seal.

"He was going through a lot. I always knew we'd be together, I could feel it, sense it." When Naruto said that Gaara fell quiet. He closed his eyes and Naruto looked to see him in thought, making a few handsigns Naruto places a hand on the seal.

"What if I felt like that around somebody." Naruto left his hand there and smiled.

"That was this crazy demon declaring you found your mate, as for the demon I'm unsealing him are you ready?" Gaara nodded and Naruto smiled.

"Seal, Release." Naruto said and his hand lit up in blue chakra and it erased the seal. He stood back and Gaara screamed in pain. Naruto nodded, yeah he remembered when Kurama came free.

It felt as if he was going to die.

A few moments passed and Gaara panted, a man that was tanned like the color of the sand in Suna, he had gold eyes and tattoos all over his body, he had brown hair that looked like a sandstorm and he was standing there looking at his body.

"Thanks for freeing me. That seal was driving me insane." Naruto nodded.

"You are welcome, I shall be taking my leave. Gaara, I'm here if you need me to be." Gaara eyes closed and he sighed.

"Thanks, sorry being a huge asshole." Naruto smiled.

"Forgiven, Shukaku take care of your mate." Naruto said and Shukaku snorted.

"Tell Kurama I said to visit me." Naruto nodded and left headed home. Gaara sleepily leaned into Shikaku and sighed.

Naruto's week long mission was really four days, and when he reported and got the large sum of money from the Kazekage and Tsunade asked about the mission but Naruto said it was confidential but that the Kazekage was sending a treaty and he left.

He was tired and walked to his home, a smile played on his face once he realized that Neji was home, he opened the door and it was quiet. He realized that Neji must be sleeping, it was midday after all and Neji can't function without a nap.

He walked to the room and saw Neji sleeping, with nothing on but Neji always slept naked since they moved in together, and yes Naruto and Neji still did not go all the way, but he didn't mind a naked Neji. It was expected by now.

He smirked and took a quick shower and when he came out dressed in Neji's shirt, he smiled and jumped on Neji, he heard a groan and felt arms wrap around him.

"Welcome home Naruto." Naruto kisses Neji on his lip, slowly loosing himself in the kiss, Neji responded sleepily but allowed Naruto to lead the kiss because he wanted nothing more than to sleep but he's missed Naruto, so he will take whatever Naruto wanted to give him.

Naruto turned the kiss into a full make out session, and damn was Neji loving Naruto a little more, Neji's member was getting a little harder by the close proximity of Naruto walking around with just a shirt on. The steamy and passionate kiss, and the way one hand was laced in his hair, and the other resting on the Hyuga's cheek while Neji had both hands on Naruto's ass.Naruto pulled away and smiled.

"I'm home, thank you." Naruto said softly and Neji just sighed and placed a hand on the cheek of Naruto, Naruto closed his eyes and rolled to the side of Neji, not sleepy in the slightest but wanted to dwell in the scent of Neji.

"You are literally an Angel among us... until you are mad." Naruto snorted but snuggled into Neji.

"You are sweet talking me, what do you want?" Naruto said Neji smiled.

"Nothing, I love you Naruto." Naruto smiled and hummed.

"I love you too."


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