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Two weeks later, Yuna got used to living with the nine boys. She even got a job which Chan offered her. She became the co CEO of Chan’s company. And they were planning on putting all of their companies together, resulting in one big company and making Chan the highest CEO.

To celebrate it, they planned a big party at their house, where all the important and rich people from all around Korea were invited to.

Yuna was now trying on the eighth dress since Jeongin and Jisung who also became her closest friends, thought she had to plan everything in detail.

"I tried on the eighth dress now and you guys are still not satisfied with any of them" 

"Yuna, it has to be perfect. So many important people will come and will see you for the first time." Jisung said.

"Ugh fine. But at least help me to get out of this dress. It's really tight." 

After the 12th dress Jeongin and Jisung finally found a dress pretty enough for her to wear. 

She was exhausted after trying on all the dresses, so she kicked both of them out and went to her bed since it was already evening. 

On the next day she woke up pretty early since the preparation for the party started in the morning. 

She helped Woojin with baking even though most of the food would be made by professionals.

Yuna noticed Chan walking around non stop making sure everything goes like they planned it. He talked to Woojin a few times when he was in the kitchen, but didn't pay attention to Yuna at all. He didn't even greet her.

Yuna knew he was stressed, because he had to make sure everything would be perfect as the party was so important. But still, she wished he would at least look at her.

She decided to just walk up to him and talk to him. 

"Hey Chan, when will we go visit your mom?" Yuna asked. Ever since they met each other, Yuna went with him every day and spent some time at the Han river afterwards.

"I already visited her this morning" he didn't even look at her while speaking, instead he was busy making the song playlist for the party.

"Oh.. okay next time then" she faked a smile and walked away. She knew Chan didn't even hear it since he was too busy to pay attention. 

Yuna went to her room and lay down on her bed. She didn't know why exactly she was upset about it. Or about what. Maybe she was scared. Scared of Chan not caring about her anymore. 

She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. 

Maybe that was a mistake.

Yuna knew she shouldn't do that when she was upset.

Being sad and looking at her reflection was never a good idea.

Toxic thoughts always ran through her mind. 

She looked at herself and her anxiety kicked in.

Am I perhaps too ugly? Or is it the amount of scars  which are going to be visible due to the dress? Is Chan maybe embarrassed to have someone like me as his co CEO? How ridiculous of myself to actually believe that someone would like a depressed ugly girl... 

She looked at her reflection in the mirror as her eyes started to tear up and her nose got red.

I am such a burden to him.. It would have been better, if I never met him... 

And with that, more and more negative thoughts followed.

She didn't realise that Hyunjin had walked in. 

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