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The party already started and almost everyone had arrived. 

Yuna was currently with Jisung and Minho.

"Hey, why don't you get your man and dance a little bit?" Minho asked.

"First of all, Chan is not my man. And second, I don't even know where he is" Yuna answered.

"I think I saw him with his sister Hannah in the living room. You should meet her, she is really nice, and I think you two will get along really well" Jisung said

"I don't know. I’m not sure I should go over there. Maybe I’ll interrupt them when they are talking about something important" Yuna said

"Oh come on coward, I'll take you there" Jisung didn't even listen to Yuna complaining about him and grabbed her hand, pulling her through the crowd.

They were now standing in front of Chan and a beautiful young woman that was probably around her age. She was really pretty and you could tell she was his sister.

Jisung was the first one to speak.
"Hey Hannah, nice to see you again. I want to introduce you to someone" he pulled Yuna next to him. "This is Lee Yuna, Felix’s sister"


Chan immediately put his hand over her mouth.

"Yes this is Yuna. Yuna this is my not so lovely" he glared at his sister, still trying to speak "sister Hannah" 

Hannah managed to get his hand off of her mouth and smiled at Yuna "Nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. Thank you for making my brother so happy!" 

Chan's face became red and he groaned.

"Nice to meet you too Hannah" Yuna said giggling. 

"Anyways Jisung let's go I wanna see the others again. And I think those two want to be alone" she smirked at Chan and he only rolled his eyes.

After Jisung and Hannah left it got awkward. 

"So umm how's the party so far?" Yuna asked

"Great... You look really great" Chan said

Yuna smiled "Thanks. You too"

Suddenly a man came over to them.

"Hey Chris, nice to see you again" 

When Yuna heard the voice and saw who stood in front of her, she stopped breathing for a second.

"Yo Jackson, long time no see" Chan said and they gave each other a bro hug.

Jackson then saw Yuna. His eyes became big.

"Long time no see to you as well Lee Yuna" Jackson smirked.

Yuna didn't say anything.

"You two know each other?" Chan asked, surprised. 

"Let's say we share some good memories, right Yuna?" He smirked.

"Oh, so you're friends? Then you for sure have a lot to tell each other since you guys haven't seen each other for so long. I'll leave the two of you for a while" Chan said.

Yuna looked at him trying to signal that he should stay, but he didn't see it and left them alone. 

She nervously looked around to find one of the boys or at least someone but they were the only ones in the room. Suddenly Jackson leaned down to her.

"Let's have a little bit fun huh?" He whispered. 

"I can't find her," Seungmin said, breathing heavily. 

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