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Chan was surprised by her move, but he still enjoyed it. Their lips moved in sync. It wasn't just a peck but it wasn't lustful as well. It was a kiss that held all the emotions of the past weeks.

They let go of each other and smiled.

"So is that a yes?" Chan asked smirking

"Yes it is," Yuna laughed. 

Chan convinced her to get out of bed. Which was a really good idea, because it had been several days since she had last showered. 

"Wait here, I will be back soon," Yuna said. 

While Chan was on his phone, Yuna picked out her outfit and went into the bathroom. 

She filled the bathtub with water and began undressing herself. When she was fully naked, she looked in the mirror. 

It felt like every time she looked in the mirror it got worse. 

She looked at the reflection of an ugly body.

Too skinny

Full of cuts


Simply said, ugly and disgusting. 

Slowly tears were streaming down her face. Almost inaudible sobs escaped her mouth. 

“How am I supposed to be loved with this body? When Chan sees me like this he will leave me for sure.” she thought

"Yuna are you alright?" Chan asked behind the door.

She didn't want to answer, not trusting her voice.

"Yuna?" Chan started to panic.

"If you don't answer, I will break down the door" 

"I’m fine," Yuna said quietly.

"I know you are not Yuna" Chan said

"Please... Trust me I am" 

Chan sighed and walked to the bed. He knew she wasn't alright. But what could he do? He can't force her to let him help her. 

But he knew one thing for sure. From now on he didn't want to see her in that state ever again.

All the other boys were currently in their small home theater watching a movie.

When Chan and Yuna entered, all eyes were on them. 

"YUNAAAA" Jeongin, excited, was the first one running towards her and hugging her. 

The others laughed but were also glad she was back and smiling again. And of course they were all thankful for Chan bringing her back. 

"Can we do something different than watching a movie? Like something where we actually talk to each other, you know?" Seungmin asked.

"LETS GO ADOPT PUPPIES!" Hyunjin said and everyone yelled in agreement.

"We can't just randomly get puppies," Chan rolled his eyes.

But Yuna thought differently. 

"Why not?" Yuna looked at Chan with pleading eyes.

Everyone could see how much Chan was struggling. 

"Please Channie?" She said, pouting.

And with that there was no way he could have said no.

"Who is gonna drive?" Minho asked.

“Changbin and I have the fastest cars," Chan said.



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