Chapter 3:USJ Attack

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*Next Day*

Mineta:Guys have you heard that midoriya and Yaoyorozu are dating!?

Jiro:I doubt it.

Mina:You never now Jiro.

Kirishimma:Midoriya is so manly!

Bakugo: Hmph nice job nerd

All of Class A1(Except Midoriya and yaoyorozu):Ehhhh!???

Then midoriya came into class:

Midoriya:Hey gu-

Kirishimma:Dude is it true!?

Midoriya:What is true?

Kaminari: Don't fool with us Midoriya!



Midoriya:Know what?

All girls:That you went to a date with Momo!!!!!

Midoriya:*Blushing Alot*

Yaoyorozu: What are you all talking about?

Midoriya: Oh Nothing....

All of class A1(Even bakugo and todoroki):That you Two went to A Date!!!

Midoriya & Yaoyorozu: IT WASN'T A DATE

Mr Aizawa: As much as i would like to see the continuation of this i have the duty to stop this and tell you to wear your costumes because we are going to the USJ

Class A1:USJ?

Mr Aizawa: You will see when we get there now wear your costumes.

Yaoyorozu:Izuku can you come here for a sec

Midoriya:Ok yaoyorozu

Mina:Guys did you hear that,Yaoyorozu called midoriya "Izuku"

Lida:If she is adressing him with his first name that means that they truly are a couple!

Kaminari:Well Said!

Jiro:I don't think they have realised it yet tho

Uraraka:Too bad they make a nice couple

Bakugo:As much as i hate deku i have to say that he has guts

Kirishimma:You said a nice thing about midoriya?

Kaminari:So even you have a heart huh bakugo?

Sero:That is quite a suprise from bakugo

Bakugo:SHUT THE F&#! UP

Uraraka:Now that is the bakugo we know

Yaoyorozu:They are talking about us...*Said Blushing*

Midoriya:Yeah...*Blushing too*

Yaoyorozu:Do you think we should?


Yaoyorozu:Stop them or accept what they are saying?

Midoriya: Maybe ignore them...

*Some time later*

Mr Aizawa: We are here!

*Everything plays out like it did in the anime except kaminari went with asui and mineta and midoriya went with yaoyorozu and jiro*

Jiro:There are too many of them

Yaoyorozu:Izuku can't you blow them of with your quirk

Midoriya:Well yeah but i can't because the impact will effect you too

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