Chapter 2:It is definetly not a date,is it?

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One day has passed since the class rep election and Midoriya and Yaoyorozu will meet soon so they can discuss about the project that Mr Aizawa told them to do.

30 Minutes before the "meet up"

Midoriya:*In the shower*Why was my heart beat so fast back then...


Yaoyorozu:What is going on?

Uknown student:Security level 3 it hasn't been used in 3 years!

Midoriya:*Sees threw the window*It is just the media,they passed the school gates!

Lida:We have to tell them

Yaoyorozu:I have an idea,uraraka use your quirk on midoriya so he can tell them about the media!

Midoriya:You think i can do it?

Yaoyorozu:I know you can!

*Flashback ends*

*Dresses up*

(Imagine it without the bandages)

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(Imagine it without the bandages)

Midoriya:I wonder if these clothes are good...(Why am i so excited this is just a meeting...Right..?)

30 Minutes later

Midoriya was waiting outside of the cafe for yaoyorozu


Midoriya turns and he sees yaoyorozu

Midoriya:Hello Yaoyorozu!(Thinks:Why is my heart beat running fast again

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Midoriya:Hello Yaoyorozu!
(Thinks:Why is my heart beat running fast again...)

Yaoyorozu:Shall we?


Midoriya:I will go find a table and then order,what would you like..?

Yaoyorozu:Well i will take anything that you will...
(Thinks:Wow he is very very polite unlike the other boys...)

Midoriya:O..O...Ok i will order some yakudon*Blushes*

After they ordered they sat down on the table

Yaoyorozu:So midoriya,Mr.Aizawa said to make a list about the students and their statistics from the fitness test and the practice with all might...

Midoriya:It says here we need to include stuff about their scores till now,their quirk info... And their Costume's I brought the scores and costume info did you bring their quirk info?

Yaoyorozu:Yes I have it right here...But


Yaoyorozu:Mr Aizawa told me to make our quirk's info on our own....

Midoriya:That sounds like something he would do....

Yaoyorozu:So who starts first?

Midoriya:Guess i will start first,My quirk is named Super Boost,i can manipulate the energy of my body and manifest it on any part of my body like my arms,fingers and legs but i can't fully control it because the impact is so strong and can break my bones.(Thinks:I can't tell her for One for All)

Yaoyorozu:That is quite a drawback on your quirk izuku...

Midoriya:(Thinks:Did she just call me by my first name...)

Yaoyorozu:(Wait did i just call him by his first name?Think momo try and say something...)

Yaoyorozu:Oh im sorry that i called you Izuku,midoriya...

Izuku:No's o...ok i li...liked it....

Yaoyorozu:Oh ok...(Thinks:That went better then i thought)

Yaoyorozu:Now about your costume izuku does it have any special traits?

Izuku:Oh no,not realy...Except that is based of all might.Now,how about your quirk?

Yaoyorozu:Oh my quirk is Creation it can allow me to materialize different objects, such as weapons and tools, from any exposed part of my body as long as i know chemical structure of the item i will create.

Izuku:Also does your costume have any special traits?

Yaoyorozu:Well you must have noticed that it exposes alot of my skin right?

Izuki:Is it so you can create things more easily and not to rip your clothes when you create something?

Yaoyorozu:*Suprised*Your the only person that figured it out...

Isuku:Well i have a hobby to analyse heroes quirk,costumes and many other kinds of stuff about them,i figured it out when you said that you needed exposed parts of your body to make objects.Altho im quite suprised you look so suprised about it....

*For izuku it didn't seem much as he did his hobby but yaoyorozu was surpised at the fact that he wasn't concerned about her looks on her costume like other boys*

Yaoyorozu:Well most boys are jusr concerned about well about my "Traits"

Izuku: "Traits"...?Ohh *Starts Blushing*

Yaoyorozu: I did expect that reaction tho*giggles*

Izuku:*Steam comes from his ears*

Waiter:Your order sir,it is 11,36

Izuku:Thanks Alot *Opens his wallet*

Yaoyorozu:No izuku please let me pay

Izuki:No please let me it wouldn't be polite if you paid and i just stood there

Yaoyorozu:(Thinks:Why do i feel like i skipped a heart beat...)

Izuku:Yaoyorozu are you ok?

Yaoyorozu:Yeah,everything is fine.

*3 Hours passed*

Izuku:Ok i think that includes all of the students

Yaoyorozu:Yeah i think we are done

Izuku:Yeah,wow it is already night time...

Yaoyorozu:I didn't even realise how quick the time passed...

Izuku:It is quite late(Thinks:Now is the time izuku be the gentleman you always were)

Izuki:Yaoyorozu,w...would you me to walk you home? *Said Blushing*

Yaoyorozu: *Blushing*Well if it okay with you...

Izuku:(Thinks:She Said Yes!?)

*Izuku and Yaoyorozu later are seen walking together towards yaoyorozu's house*

Yaoyorozu: Izuku...

Izuki: Yes yaoyorozu?

Yaoyorozu: Let's do this again sometime...

Izuku: O-Ok*said blushing*

Yaoyorozu: *Hugs Izuku*

Yaoyorozu: Thanks alot for walking me home izuku *Said as she went towards her house's gate*

Izuku:My first hug with a girl *He said blushing and walked home*

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