Chapter 13:Hero Killer Part 1

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Midoriya:I should call All Might about the situation this guy is in*he said as he picked up his phone*

Gran Torino:C'mon kid,put on your costume and use a smash on me.

Midoriya:W-What!?You want me to throw a Smash in a place like this?

*The gran torino started using his quirk and was moving very fast jumping from wall to wall till he landed on top of the door*

Gran Torino:C'mon Noobie,show me why toshinori choose you as the next Symbol of Peace

Midoriya:"T-This guy,this twisted personallity,and he called me a noobie just like all might did in the first training exercise,he really is all might's mentor"Yes Sir!

*Midoriya then wore his costume*

Gran torino:From what I saw at the sports festival you can use up to 25%?

Midoriya:Yeah,but when using above 20% my body hurts,and on top of it is really hard to move on 20%

Gran Torino:I see,then we will focus on mastering One For All At 20%,c'mon now show me your power noobie!

*Midoriya then charged Full Cowling at 20% and started training with gran torino,at the same time*

Yaoyorozu:So this are edgeshot's offices*she said as she entered the building,she then went close to the receptionist*

Yaoyorozu:Hello,Im the U.A. Student that got a request for Mr.Edgeshot,Momo Yaoyorozu

Receptionist:Oh,Mr.Edgeshot waits for you at the 6th floor

Yaoyorozu:Ok,thanks alot

*She then went to the elavator and got inside,then she went to the 6th floor,and suddenly a kunai was thrown next to her,she then panicked and jumped*

Edgeshot:Guess we have work to do..

Yaoyorozu:W-What was that for!?

Edgeshot:I was testing your reflexes,I saw your perfomance at the sports festival,you have quick thinking and judging by your grades your very smart,from the statistics U.A. has given me here tho it seems that you lack Hand to Hand Combat Experience,that is what your going to developing your intership,you will also train with weapons too,like Katanas shurikens and Kunai knifes.Now get your costume on we will start training now.

Yaoyorozu:Y-yes sir...


Gran Torino:Alright kid,that is it for today,now go pack your stuff,there is a room upstairs if you want to take a shower the bathroom is next to your room,anyway ima go to sleep,goodnight

Midoriya:Goodnight"Did he just say ima?"

*Midoriya then went to his room and packed his stuff and went to take a shower,meanwhile*

Edheshot:Alright,good job you got better at using the Kunai knife in close range combat,that is training for today,your room is on the 4th floor,it has everything you need,we will continue training  tomorow at 10:00 AM the morning so make sure you wake up somewhere around 9 AM

Yaoyorozu:Yes sir!

*She then went to her room and went to her room,packed her stuff and went to the shower,when she got out her phone was vibrating,she then checked her phone and saw izuku's contact info,she picked her phone and awnsered him back*

Yaoyorozu:Hey Izu*She said as she was cleaning he hair from the water with her towel*

Midoriya:Hey Momo,how is your intership going?

Yaoyorozu:We started doing hand to hand combat with ninja weapons,we finished training a little while ago and i just finished  taking a shower,before i sleep,what about you?

Midoriya:O-Oh everything is the same"Don't think her being naked don't think her being naked Teenage Mind!"

Yaoyorozu:Ok,I will call you tomorow,bye Izu~

*The call ended*

Midoriya:Why did i thinked her naked in the shower,stupid hormones...


Shigaraki:Kurogiri,prepare the nomu's

Kurogiri:Yes Tomura Shigaraki

Shigaraki:Soon the hero killer will die,and everyone will remember my nomus as they run in fear


Kurogiri:Tomura Shigaraki,i have brought you thw hero killer

Tomura:Ahh,hero killer,the one that kills heroes as much as he wants,I envy you,you make my work much easier

Hero Killer:*Draws a sword and faces it towards shigaraki's facw*Get straight to the point

Tomura:Alright alright,Would you like to join the league of villains?

Hero Killer:So you want me to join your little gang?

Tomura:Well,your a pro when it comes to evil

Hero Killer:What exactlly are your motives

Tomura:Well,we are planning on killing All Might Eventually,but i also plan on destroying everything I don't like,this brat for example*he said as he showed him a picture of midoriya*

Hero Killer:I was a fool to be interested in your little group,your the type I hate the most.


Hero Killer:As I would team up with a Man Child,let me tell you something,Bloodlust without conviction is meaningless

Kurogiri:"Tomura shigaraki knows nothing but the impulse to destroy,i thought if I brought the hero killer he could learn something,seems I was wrong"Should I Stop this Sensei?

Audio Voice:No this is fine,there is no sense in simply telling someone the awnser,he must find it himself,he must be taught to reach these conclusions himself,only then he will begin to mature

Hello guys,sorry that this chapter was short,the next part will be about the fight with the hero killer so look forward to it

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