Chapter 10

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" Ok this is not going to be easy". said Jocy.
" I know we can do this ". Said Hopper.
" We have to do this ". said Barbara.
Then somebody nock on the door.
" Who could that be"? ask Will.
" I Do not know ". said Mike.
" I am going to see who is is ". said Gold.
" Ok, but becarefull ". said Billy.
" I am going to becarefull ". said Gold.
Then Gold went to the door and open it to see Kali, Holly and Erica at the door.
" What are you guys doing here "? ask Gold.
" We wanted to know what is going on". said Kali.
" Ok come in then ". said Gold.
Then they went in the house.
" Erica what are you doing here "? ask Lucas.
" I wanted to know what the heck is going on". said Erica.
" Holly why are you here with them"?ask Nancy.
" I am was scared and i wanted to know what is happening". said Holly.
" Kali how and why are you here"? ask Eleven.
" I came here about a week ago and i want to know what is going on". said Kali.
" Ok ". Said Gold.
Then she told the what is going on and what they going to do.
" Wow this is crazy". said Kali.
" I know it is ".said Dustin.
" Why is this happening "? ask Erica.
" We do not know but we are going to stop it". said Steve.
" How are you going to stop this "? ask Holly.
" We are going to burn the crap out of the monsters". said Robin.
" How are you going to do it "? ask Erica.
" We just need to get it someware that it is very hot". said Jonathan.
" How are you going to do with getting killed "? ask Holly.
" Well we know how do it and we have two plans on how we going to do this". said Heather.
" Ok let's this before anyone get killed ". said Erica.
" Ok " . Said Gold.
Then they got into the cars and went someware vety hot.
" This could work". said Mike.
" Who is going to close the gate " ? ask Will.
" Me and El well close the gate for good". said Gold.
" Ok ". said Max.
" Gold you do not need to do that ". said Billy.
" Billy i do need to do this ans i know you are scared". said Gold.
" What happen if the plan does not work out "? ask Billy.
" It well work out". said Gold.
" How do you know that "? ask Billy.
" I just know it is going to work ". said Gold.
" Just trust her she know what she is doing ". said Tommy.
" That true she does ". said Corl.

My Bestfreind Brother Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now