Chapter 36

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" What are we going to do "? ask Gold.
" I do not know what are we going to do" .Said Mike.
" We have to do something ".Said Will.
" We know that Will ".Said Dustin.
" What can we do if we do not know ware it is ".Said Gold.
" Then we need to find it ware it is ".Said Lucas.
" How we going to do that "? ask Max.
" With El and Gold's powers".Said Steve.
" That is to risky ".Said Billy.
" What else can we do "? ask Robin.
" Think of a new plane ". said Erica.
" How we going to know ware it is if El or Gold can not use there powers to find them "? ask Barbara.
" Well nobody want to see them get hurt ". said Carol.
" That true but what else do we have "? ask Tommy.
" I can do it ". said Gold.
" Same with me ". said Eleven.
" You sure you want to this you guys "? ask Nancy.
" We are sure ". said Gold.
" But i do not want to you guys get hurt ". said Gorgie.
" It can not hurt us when we are in there ". said Eleven.
" You do not know that ". said Hopper.
" Just let them do it ". said Billy.
" That was the most shocking thing that came out of your mouth ". said Joyce.
" Well that because he know that they can do it ". said Kali.
" That is so very true ". said Holly.
" We are just worry that is it ". said Murray.
" We know a lot of people is ". said Heather.
" So we are going to just let them do it "? ask Max.
" Yes we are but we are not going to let them over use there powers ". said Billy.
" Ok ". said the group.
Then they start to use there powers to find the mind flare. They are look for the mind flare still.

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