Special Chapter

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Have you ever wondered how come Min Yoongi, who's always so sharp and cautious, got tricked by Minatozaki Sana?

Yeah, the truth is... he wasn't.

Right after the first meeting with Sana, Yoongi did a throughly investigation and saw the footage in which Sana came in and exited his hotel room. With close inspection, he figured she wasn't really that drunk... which meant this was clearly a scheme. Sure, he could have just called Sana out on her lies right then and there, but he didn't. Why? Because Min Yoongi was a calculated businessman and had much better ideas to punish this foolish girl. It was his plan to keep the act up a bit longer before exposing her. Minatozaki's enterprise has been one of the main players on the market for a long time, but a scandal like this would definitely destroy their name and in turn, benefit him.

However, as he got to know Sana better, Min Yoongi found himself strayed further and further from his original plan. It started out simple enough. Her small acts of kindness and the grace she carried managed to trigger his curiosity. Taking Sana's personality and background into account, she didn't seem to be the type that would trick others for money purposes. Thus, Yoongi decided to look into this matter. He eventually found out about her previous arranged marriage and the fact that her fiancé happened to be her best friend's lover. Right away, Yoongi was able to put the pieces together and discovered that the reason for Sana's doing was actually more honourable than he first thought. Considering his horrible reputation, it was quite brave of Sana to take the risk. From then on, little by little, his attitude towards her changed for the better. It got to the point where he felt  as if their current living arrangement wasn't bad at all. In fact, Yoongi genuinely enjoyed Sana's company and felt comfortable in her presence - which was pretty rare due to his aloof tendencies. Hence, he decided to play along with her act and pretended as if he didn't know anything. He also wanted to see what would Sana do to get herself out of the mess she created.

When Yoongi heard about Sana's alleged "miscarriage",  he was aware that meant their time together would soon come to an end. Strangely, the thought bothered him much more than it should... so Yoongi decided to do something about it. He came to visit her the hospital and told her that he'd be with her through this, knowing that Sana wouldn't be able to decline. Afterwards, they spent even more time bonding and it didn't take that long for Min Yoongi to realize that despite everything, he wanted to be with her. He was willing to let her lies about the fake pregnancy be buried forever, if that meant she'd stay...

But in the end, Sana told Yoongi the truth anyway. At that time, a lot of mixed emotions came to him, but the one that stood out was relief. It proved that Sana was indeed righteous, soft-hearted and courageous so it made his secret admiration for her grow even more. In addition, her decision to tell him made it clear that she truly trusted and cared for him.

That moment, Yoongi felt a very strong desire. A resolution. A promise.

To keep her in his life.

And of course, being Min Yoongi, he never failed to achieve what he set his mind to.

- "Min Sana, you're officially mine."

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