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I wake up from my beautiful sleep, it's another day and now I don't feel much pain than last day. I think I pour out all my heartaches and heart breaks the time I talk to my dad. My dad! Where is he? And there I notice that I'm lying on the bed. How did I get here in my room?

"Good morning Yibo"

I quickly sit up on the bed and turn to see the familiar voice. Xiao Zhan is in the house, in my room. I look at him and said

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" I snap.

"To visit my father-in-law and to see my wife, I haven't seen you and you just left me a what? Letter that says you're leaving! And I also check your restaurant" he snaps back.

"Don't you dare call me your wife because our whole marriage was based on a lie and don't you ever forget it" I snap again, but now it's a low blow because tears are taunting me again.

"Yibo, we need to talk" and by that he walks towards me until he sits beside me.

"We don't need to talk; if this is all about the 6 months contract then I will let my attorney deal with..."

Zhan gently hugs me and he kisses my forehead. My mouth drops open and still conserving all that he did.

"Please, Zhan..."

"Hush, Yibo please let me talk" I couldn't hold his hug anymore because anytime soon I will burst out into tears again, so before I could do something that I will regret, I push him away.

"Why do you want me to see Zhan? Why are you still here? Why don't you stay away from me? And why are you still checking the restaurant? Why are you still by my side?" then my tears start pouring.

"Yibo, stop crying. Please" he then again kisses my forehead

"Why do I want to see you? It's because I've been missing you. Why I'm still here? It's because I want to be with you. Why don't I stay away from you? It's because my heart won't allow it. Why I'm checking the restaurant? To tell you the truth Yibo, I've been checking the restaurant since it started because it all started in your restaurant" he again kisses my forehead.

"Tell me that I'm not dreaming ZhanZhan" I sob.

"Yibo I am still by your side because I wanted too. It's because I am crazy, deeply, madly in love with you"

Am I just hallucinating or is this true?

"Yibo, did you hear me?"

"What did you just say?" I whisper.

"I love you Wang Yibo!" he shouts.

"But I thought you love Meili, you know the kiss" I said while wiping my tears.

"Yes I did, but I didn't kiss her"

"But you brag at me when I question you..."

"Because I was jealous of you being with Huang Fu, the thought of you being with another man is killing me" he snaps.

"Yibo, I loved you since the day I saw your face. I don't know but after Meili disregard my proposal and I saw you in my office at our mansion, it's like nothing to me. I loved you since the day I saw you scribble something on a piece of paper wearing your wedding tuxedo. I love you since my dad gave me a picture of you but I was afraid because you might kick me or something but after I heard you last night? Talking to your dad about how much you love me, I was like so happy and relieved that you felt the same way too"

I have joy of tears on my face; the man I love also loves me.

"I'm sorry that I made an impression which makes me hurt you, Yibo" he begs.

"ZhanZhan, one look at you and I forget that I was hurting. Thanks for loving me" I kiss his lips gently.

"My life is dreadful when you're not around but Yibo, one look at you and I was alive again" he kisses me back.

"I love you Xiao Zhan, even though you keep on hurting me whenever I see you and Meili talking" I pout.

"Then why don't you say so?" he asks.

"I don't have any claims on you Zhan and besides you keep on bringing the 6 months contract on the topic" I snap.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I guess I don't give any effort to let you feel that I already love you since you kiss me on the day of our marriage" he teases.

"No you kiss me!" I shout

"Nope, you did" and he tickles me until he was on top of me.

"About the 6 months contract, I don't want it. I want to change it into lifetime but before that"

he get something under the pillow, it's a small purple box. I wonder what's inside until he opens it, revealing two rings with both our names. What's he trying to say?!

"Mr. Wang Yibo, will you marry me again?"

My heart pounded with joy.

"Why are you proposing?" I ask.

"The first marriage is an agreement and we don't have any proposing thing and we barely talk to one another. Now, I want this marriage to be all about you and me with love" he smiles.

"How can I possibly say no? Yes! I will marry you again Xiao Zhan because I love you"

and our lips touches and are the one who's in control of us!

Now, I am contented with my life. With the man I love who loves me back and with my family and friends who keeps on supporting me. My life might be complicated but for me it is perfect and I love it!


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