07. athena

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*i made a little aesthetic for athena*

We talked about how Athena came from Zeus' forehead, but what about what happens after that?

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We talked about how Athena came from Zeus' forehead, but what about what happens after that?

Athena is known as the Goddess of Reason, Wisdom, Intelligence, Skill, Peace, Warfare, Battle Strategy and Handicrafts. Her symbol is the olive tree and her sacred animal is the Owl.

A well known story about Athena, is the story of her and Arachne. Arachne was a woman who weaved the most beautiful things, and she made the mistake of boasting that she was better than Athena at weaving. And since Athena was the one who invented weaving, this was not a good idea.

She said that if Athena was so good, why didn't she come down here and they would see who weaved better. Athena of course heard it, and instead of coming down in her godly form, she transformed into an old woman just to see the situation.

She respected Arachne, because the girl didn't do it for money, she did it because she enjoyed it, and she offered some advice to the mortal girl. But Arachne was being a little bitch, and that caused Athena to change into her mortal form, still looking like a Goddess in her armour, and the contest began.

Athena promised a fair judgement, and when they both finished weaving, she declared it a tie, as they were both incredible. But Arachne threw another insult her way, and Athena had enough of it, and she decided to punish Arachne for disrespecting a Goddess.

She hit Arachne over the head, and that caused the villagers to laugh, and Arachne was so embarrassed that she tied a noose and tried to hang herself. Athena noticed and decided that she should weave forever and turned her into a spider, the first spider.

Athena also decided that as a warrior Goddess, she would never get married and she would not allow anyone to see her nude. One guy did, and she turned him blind, but because he didn't mean to, she granted him the ability to communicate with birds and they would guide him.

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