01. wonder-woman's buddies

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the amazons

There is not THAT much known about the Amazons. The myth says that the lived in the city of Themiscyra, and they were a race of warrior women. Their society was women and only women. 

Men were not allowed in their society, unless it were for mating or slavery. From childhood, all the girls are taught everything about warfare. The Amazons were excellent horse tamers and riders. 

They were not allowed to get married, and to carry on their race, they would mate with men from nearby cities, or with handsome prisoners of war, and once they were done, the prisoners would be either slaves, or they would be killed. 

If they had any male offspring, they would either be killed or sent away. Sometimes, they were allowed to grow and then used for sexual pleasure and/or mating. When a girl was born however, she was well taken care of, and raised to be a warrior. 

The Amazons worshipped Ares, because while he was male, he was the god of war, and their lives were devoted to war and fighting. Artemis, was also honoured greatly, as she was fierce and the goddess of the hunt. 

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