Chapter 3-Escape

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"How are her vitals?"

"They're stable.  Oh, wait, I think that she just woke up."

"Great!  Just in time."

Izzy opened her eyes to see that she was laying on a table with a bunch of wires connected to her. She sprang up, ripping all of the wires off.

"What the..." She looked and saw her dad grinning. Then the conversation that her parents had had flashed into her memory.

Izzy darted her hand to her back and felt only stubs and pus. Dark, black, tar-like pus. Dark pus which seemed to be making her stubs larger. Dark pus which was... reforming her wings. Slowly but surely, the pus was hardening to create the shape of wings.

But one thing was wrong.

They had no feathers.  They were just leathery pieces of skin.

Her dad still hadn't noticed that her wings were growing, and then she was met with a surprise. Her mother.

Her mother was dressed in a white lab coat with goggles.  There were black spots on her coat, and Izzy recognized it as the pus from her wings.

"Mom, why would you let him do this?" Izzy screamed.  "Why would you help him ruin my life?  You're just as bad as him!  You're a poor excuse for a mother!  I hate you!"  Tears were streaming down Izzy's face.

"Isabella," her mother started.

"Don't you dare.  You don't deserve to call me by my name.  You know what?  You don't deserve to talk to me at all." She turned, careful not to show them her wings.  "Wait, where's Ginny?  Where are my wings?

"We have your wings in a glass case.  Your puppy..."

Suddenly, Izzy's ginger haired puppy jumped out and started biting the binds that were holding her down on the chair.  Her dad lurched forward and grabbed Ginny.

"Ahem, anyways, your puppy it at knife point  right now." Izzy looked at the gleaming knife at her dog's throat and gulped.  "We'll exchange Ginny's life for one thing.  Your cooperation."

"In what?"

"Making your death look like an accident."

Izzy's heart sped up, going about 200 beats per second.

"You're going to kill me." She clarified.

"Yup," her dad confirmed, picking at his nails while handing Ginny to her mom. "You're no use to us anymore."

Izzy looked at her sad puppy and with a wobbly voice, she said, "Fine." Ginny seemed to realize what this meant, and her eyes looked like they were filled with sadness, but also with hope. She might have the chance to find a family to feed and play with her.

Her mom opened the door that led outside and threw Ginny out.

"Now we need your cooperation." her dad said.  "Follow me."  He led her into an empty room, and gave her a list.  "Choose which you think are the best.  If you chose bad ones, we'll hunt Ginny down and kill her."  He then walked out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Izzy read over the list, marking the good ideas and leaving the bad ones blank.  

She had narrowed it down to two final ideas, when her mom walked in.  Her mother looked over the list, nodded, and brought her into a cell with one window.  Her mother look worried, as if she knew the one window thing was a bad idea.

"Wait here." she ordered.  "I'll get your father."

Izzy felt her back, excited to see that her wings were full regrown.  She stretched them out, flapping them up and down until she was hovering near the window.  It was stupid of her parents to leave a window.  Izzy wanted to show them that.

Instead of trying to be quiet, Izzy loudly punched the glass, shattering it and slightly cutting her hand.  She flew out the window, and glided across the forest, and landed in one of the tall trees.  She scanned the ground, spotting, a little movement in the underbrush.  

Izzy swooped down and saw the face that she had been looking for.  She had found Ginny.

They were reunited and started walking away, when a sickly familiar voice spoke from behind them.

"Did you really think we would let you escape?"

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