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Max's POV

I woke up very late in the morning. I got dressed and made breakfast. Today was the day that me and El had planned for her to come to my house and have a sleepover. Billy was going to a party and my parents were on holiday.  I couldn't wait for the fun we were going to have. She was coming over at 4pm. We'd been talking on the phone every evening since Tuesday (the day we went to Starcourt Mall).

El's POV

The night before the sleepover I asked Max what to bring. I was clueless because this was to be my first sleepover. I was anxious, even though I was now quite good friends with Max, I'd even call her my best friend. So the anxiety was mostly about staying at a very new house, with a very new person.

Max's POV

It was 3:55pm. I was listening to my Queen soundtrack, and impatiently waiting for the arrival of my new favourite person. I watched the clock tick. 3:56, 3:57, 3:58, 3:59. For the last minute, it was as if time had slowed down just to annoy me.

El's POV

I was sitting in the passenger's seat of the truck, listening to Hopper's favourite band and looking out the window at the rapidly passing trees, sign posts and fields. Max was now a normal thought of mine. She basically lived there 24/7, checking in every few minutes. I was confused on how she had come to be there.  I obsessed over her. I got butterflies in my stomach every time she called.
I learned that phrase from a TV show I watched every Saturday night.
When I asked Hopper what it meant, he simply said, "It's an intense feeling you get when something or someone that makes you nervous or excited is around, but it can be for other things like when you do something scary."
I joked, "Well, I'm not afraid of anything."
Although, that phrase fit so well for the way I felt around Max. Millions of butterflies simply fluttered through my whole body.
I was zoned out when Hopper said, "We're here!"

Max's POV

I looked out of the kitchen window and saw them. It was 4:06pm. They were late but I was so filled with happiness that I didn't even care. I ran to the front door, opened it, tried my best to calm down and act cool, then waved at them and smiled a huge smile.
She had a little bag on her back and was wearing shorts with a t-shirt tucked into them. It was like she had raided my closet. 
They walked up to me and El gave me a big hug. It was the sweetest thing ever and I was blushing like a six year old.
She pulled away and Hopper said, "I'll pick her up at this same time tomorrow."
He turned towards El, who was smiling at me, "You have your walkie talkie on you, if you don't feel comfortable or if something happens, just reach me and I'll come get you, okay kiddo?"
She nodded, still not looking away from me. He left and I showed her around my house.

El's POV

I met her big brother, Billy. He barely acknowledged me. I didn't like him at all. He left at 9pm to go to his party and I was relieved. At 10pm we decided to watch a movie. It was a horror movie. I'd never watched one before and I was never going to again. I screamed a few times and Max comforted me by holding my hand. That was the only part that made watching that terrible movie enjoyable.
We had loads of junk food. I don't think I'd ever had that much sugar in one sitting before. Let's just say, I now know that I go crazy when I have a lot of sugar. We shared many, many laughs that night. We danced, jumped about and sang. We told each other secrets and played games like Truth or Dare. Max taught me about things like sex. That was one thing that no one had ever told me anything about, and I can see why. We giggled about it for like an hour.

Max's POV

She was so interesting. She showed me things she could do. Her powers were absolutely unbelievable and out of this world! She could even go into this endless black void thing and see specific people and watch what they were doing at that time without them ever knowing! She called it spying. I loved hanging out with her. It was definitely my favourite part of that summer.

El's POV

At around 3am, we were calming down and running out of subjects to talk about. I had never stayed up that late before and was quite sleepy. We were sitting on Max's double bed with the bottom half of our bodies covered by the duvet. She was babbling about how she had the top score on Dig Dug and whenever someone tried to beat it, she would go in the next day and get higher than them.
I interrupted her by asking shyly, "Max?"
She turned her head to look at me "Yeah?"
My heart beat quickened when I looked her in the eye.
She smiled softly, "What is it El?"
I stuttered the words, "I r-really like you...Max" "Well obviously I like you where was I?" She looked down and thought, then looked up again, "Oh yeah!"
Just as she was about to say something, I told her, "Yeah but I really, really like you."
She looked back at me, this time with her expression changed to serious and slightly fearful. "What do you mean El?"
"I mean, I never s-stop thinking about you..."
She gulped "El I..."
My heart was racing and my face was flushed. My breathing was doing no specific pattern, except it was heavy and quite loud. I closed my eyes tight and without thinking, I leaned in fast and I kissed her on the mouth.

Max's POV

I widened my eyes and in shock, I pulled away. My cheeks heated. She looked down fast and started fiddling with her fingers. "I'm so s-sorry... that was stupid, p-please don't hate m-me now.." She blabbered in a fast panicked voice.
A million and one thoughts were zooming through my brain all at once but the one that stood out was, fuck it!
I leaned in, tilted my head to the side and connected my lips to hers. It was magical. She kissed me back. My mind went blank.
When I pulled away and opened my eyes slowly, she did the same and there was a moment where we were entranced in each other. It was after about a minute when the horrid thoughts entered my mind. What about Lucas? What will people think?  You can't like a girl, that's wrong!
But it felt so right. "El... I think I like you too..."
"Holy shit."
"Yeah... Holy shit."

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