XII~ jealousy

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jack's PoV

as i stare at the picture of me and emma that my mom took when they came round, my mind begins to wander towards hiccup. for the last few weeks, i've began... feeling things about him. his soft, aurburn hair, his bright, forest green eyes, and his smile. that loki damned smile. every time he flashes me one of his rare grins, it sets my heart haywire. but i can't fall in love with him. i can't. i shake my head to try remove those thoughs as i head downstairs for a glass of juice. it's about 6 in the evening, and hiccup is watching tv

"hey princess" he looks up from the tv and smiles at me. my heart thuds eratically in my chest when i see it's one of his grins. all i can muster is a smile back before heading into the kitchen for the juice. once i obtain said liquid i head into the living room to see what hiccup is watching. now that i can see it i see his is watching one of the old inspector gadget movies.

"you mind if i..." i gesture to the seat next to me. he just nods his head to the spot next to him, so i take it. i hope he can't notice my heavy breathing and frantic heart from this small distance.

i only pay a small bit of attention to the movie. the vast majority of me is watching hiccup from the corner of my eye. i think my own no falling in love policy is screwing me over.

hiccup's PoV

i notice jack watching me from the corner of his eye, but i don't do anything. after the film ends, jack declares he's tired.

"alright, love. get some sleep. we do have work in the morning" he walks up the stairs, and i follow not log after. i walk into my room and sluggishly change. the moment my head hits the pillow, i'm out like a light.

the sun shing bright on my face is enough to wake me. i quickly check the clock and see that it's 6:07. around 20 minutes before i actually have to wake up. i groan and roll over, getting comfy again. it feels like only seconds have passed when my usual ringtone plays from my phone, signaling its time to get up. i haul myself out of bed and into the shower. once i'm ready, i head downstairs and switch on my morning news. jack walks down a few moments later. we greet each other the same way we always do, then head to work.

time skip

it's currently my break so i head into the break room for a coffee when i see one of my employees, pitch black, talking to jack who looks mildly uncomfortable. i walk to the coffee maker that is right near them so i can hear what pitch is saying

"so, do you have a lover" he purrs at jack who swallows

"u-uhm... kind of?" i can tell he doesn't want to be in that convosation. i turn around and almost lose it when i see pitch's hand on jacks thigh, moving closer to his area. wait... am i jealous? no... i can't be.... i don't like jack... right?

i decide to rescue him

"mr black, i do not believe that it appropriate behaviour for this office. take it elsewhere" i bark at him. he nods his head and scurries back to whatever dark hole he crawled in from.

"thanks for the save, he reathes out a sigh of releif. i refuse to aknowledge my feeling, so i just give him a simple "mm" sound before leaving the office.

later that evening

me and jack drove home in silence. i feel myself getting worked up. the moment i close the house door behind us, i slam jack into the door and smash my lips against his. he gasps before looping his arms around my neck. i had already given all the staff a day off at work to go see their families, so it's just me and jack, alone. i urgently push him onto the sofa, before flipping us so he is straddling me. i break the kiss and trail down to his neck, and he gives out a groan when i hit his sweet spot.

"whats... all this *moan* about" jack pants out as i claw at the bottom of his shirt, lifting it and throwing it somewhere.

"you're mine" i growl against his neck. i drop my hand and start palming him. he lets out a loud groan and bucks his hips into my touch. i feel myself getting harder. i leave hickeys all over his neck, so his skin is more purple than the usual pale. once i have marked up his neck, i go back to forcefully kissing his lips. i run my tongue over his bottom lip, that he grants me access. i run my tongue over every inch of his mouth, and he lets me. i unbutton his jeans and quiclkly slide them off. he whines at the fact i am still fully clothed, so i remove my shirt. he unbuttons my pants and yanks them off, leaving us in our boxers. i slide my hand over the seams of his, teasing him. i slowly slide my hand down and start playing with him. he moans my name and grinds into me. i slowly ease one finger into his ass, causing him to jump and shudder

"are you going to be a good girl and take whats given to you?" i growl in his ear as i pump my finger in and out of him, repeating the words i told him so many months ago. he nods briskly, so i add a second finger. then a third, then a fourth until i am finger fucking him. he screams my name in pleasure as my fingers hit his prostate. the moment he does, i pull my fingers away, causing him to whine. he grinds harder against me, buring his head between my shoulder and neck. i grab his hips and guide him anto my cock. he slides down efortlessly, making us both groan.

jack's PoV

i basically lose all concious thought as hiccup pounds me to kingdom come. all i can think of is being pleasured by the dominant below me. hiccup bites down on the exact same place he did the first time we had sex, amplifying the faint scar. he suddenly flips us over so i'm laying on my back with my leg slung over the back of the couch. hiccup is now pile driving me, and my head is swimming.

"i-i'm gonna" i all but scream out as hiccup fucks me sensless. he leans in and growls 'do it' into my ear which tips me over the edge. i cum alover my and his stomach but he's not done. he continues to pound into me, my cock re hardening is less than a second. hiccup comes within the minute, and i expect him to pull back like he usually does, but this time he quiclkly pulls out of me, and pushes himself back. almost within the same second his mouth wraps around my member, causing me to arch my back and grab his hair. me grabs my thighs and holds them over his shoulders, and i write under his touch

"hnghh. d-daddy" i groan out as i feel my climax approaching.

"da-daddy i'm- i'm gonna cum" i pant as he continues to suck me off. at my words, he sucks harder, and i can't stop my climax. i cum in his mouth, which he instantly swallows. i pant and move to sit up but he grabs me and drags me back

"i'm not done with you yet" he growls at me. i gasp when he smashes his lips against mine. his hand trails to my chest and pinches my nipple, causing me to squeak. he chuckles darkly against my lips as his hand moves further down, before grabbing my dick. i gasp at the feeling of his rough, calloused hands jerking me off. in the midst of my pleasure, i reach down and wrap my hand around his throbbing member, causing him to gasp and his grip to faulter. however, he goes back to stroking me harder at his own newfound pleasure. we give eachother handjobs. hiccup lets out a yell and i let out a not so masculine scream as we come together. hiccup collapses back, his skin shined over with a sheen of sweat as he pants. i, of course, get pulled down with him. my head lands on his chest while my hand comes to rest on his collarbone. we both stay, panting for a while, before fatigue takes over me and i fall into the numbing blackness of sleep.

holy shit that was intense. thank you @venus_and_the_stars for the idea.

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