XVII~ the argument

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jack's PoV

when i wake up the next morning to my alarm, i can hear a series of thuds and curses coming from the room across from mine. hiccup's room. i quickly stand up and leave the room, before knocking on the door.

"sir? are you okay?" i call out. i hear another curse before the door swings open, revealing hiccup.

"yes, i'm fine. i dropped some stuff" i look past him to see a bunch of boxes and books scattered around.

"oh... would you like some help clearing up?" i ask him. he shrugs.

"if you want." he opens the door all the way and steps back, allowing me through. instantly, we start picking things up. 

"how are you feeling, sir?" i ask gently. hiccup freezes for a moment, before turning around with a sigh.

"this again? i said i'm fine, and i mean it" he says firmly. it takes all my willpower to not roll my eyes.

"sir... i know you're paranoid, but i promised that i wouldn't let anyone hurt you, remember?" i say pointedly. he scowls.

 "look princess. you don't get the right to question me." he growls, getting defensive.


"NO! you know you are not supposed to call me that" he barks.

"i've tried to dance around this for your sake but this is getting rediculous. you. are. being. paranoid. ryker is not following us." i shout, exhasperated. he explodes.

"fucking hell! where on earth did you find the right to speak to me like that? you signed a fucking contract, so keep your mouth shut!" i get irate now as well.

"that's where your going with this? the bloody contract? you'd think that after everything we've been through, you'd have a slither of respect in you, but after all this time, you are just as heartless as when i first met you." i sneer at him. he grits his teeth.

"you talk a big game as if we are together. let me make one thing clear to you. we. are. not. together. get that?" he throws what he was holding back onto the ground and approaches me. i move back until i hit the wall. he places one hand right next to my head, leaning in so close i can feel his breath on my cheek. he looks down at me, his eyes blazing. i nod quickly, afraid he might hurt me. he narrows his eyes and steps back.

"good. now get out of my sight." i run out of the room, sprinting back into my own. i slam the door before sliding down the wall, sobbing.

hiccup's PoV

i glare at the door after jack has left, and as i calm down, i realise what i did. god damnit! he must have thought i would hurt him. my fist swings out and hits the wall, sending a shooting pain through my knuckles that i couldn't care less about. i close my eyes and sigh. i'm suddenly aware of crying coming from the room across, and i screw my eyes shut when i realise that i made him cry too. im such an asshole. i go to apologise, when i think that i should probably let both of us cool down, or we might argue again. instead, i go downstairs and get a glass of water. as i drink, i watch the morning news. nothing interesting. i go through the rest of the day just thinking. jack doesn't come down for breakfast, lunch or dinner so i send maria up at mealtimes with his food.

"how is he?" i ask her when she comes downstairs with the empty plate at dinnertime.

"he won't talk. he's very upset" she tells me. i nod.

"okay. thank you" she just scurries off with the plate. that night, i lay in bed, thinking about everything. i cleaned up the mess, and now i feel much calmer. maybe he's right. maybe i am just being paranoid. but he doesn't know ryker like i do. he doesn't know how sadistic he is. i fall into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of what is yet to come.

the next morning.

i wake up with a yawn as my alarm blares. i quickly turn it off, before heading into the shower. after i get out and get dressed, i head downstairs. i'm half expecting to see jack sat on the couch, drinking coffee and reading a book as he usually does on a sunday morning, but he isn't there. i frown but go and make him a coffee. an apology, if you will. then, i head up the stairs to his room. i knock on the door.

"jack?" i get no answer, so i open the door. the room is clean, the bed made as if no one ever slept there.

"jack?" i call out louder, running into the bathroom. i swing the door open. he's not there. i run back into the bedroom, running my hand through my hair. my eyes screw closed as i realise he has left, until i open them again and spot a peice of paper on the bed. i swallow hard and pick up the note with a shaky hand.


i have your precious boy-toy. come to the warehouse on the end of zippleback street if you ever want to see him again. you know i always get what i want. he will remain unharmed if you arrive by mid-day. for every hour you are late, he will lose a finger. if you call the cops, the boy dies. if you show up with anyone else, the boy dies. if you show up with a weapon, the boy dies. don't worry, it's not him i want.

ryker grimborne.

i drop the note and step back a few paces, my hands flying to my mouth. he has jack, and god knows what he will do to him if i don't show up. all i can think of is that the last thing i said to him was in spite, and he might not ever know how i actually feel about him. i can't let ryker hurt him, even if it kills me.

heyyy 2 chapters in a row, how about that. i hope you enjoyed, and i will see (or not) in the next chapter!

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