Losin' Fight

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Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes


Losin' Fight

Josh stretched his body, instantly regretting last night. He needed to remember to quit waking up like this as his body and head ached like he had been hit by a truck. The worst part of it was he didn't even get laid or maybe it's the fact that right at that moment he wished he was back in New York so his mom was there and she could take care of him. He would need to remember to be more grateful when his mom is trying to take care of him and a little less annoyed. He hesitantly opened his eyes before shutting them tight because of the brightness before opening them again and allowing them to focus. That's when he noticed the bottle of water and aspirin on his nightstand and he couldn't help the small smile that came to his face. There was only one person who knew about last night and would have left those there for him.


He closed his eyes remembering the closeness of her last night. Her blue eyes sparkling in his dark room only being lit up by the moon. He may have been drunk but there was no way he was forgetting what almost happened last night. He opened his eyes before reaching over and taking the aspirin. He remembered Shawn mentioning him and Katy were meeting up with some friends and having a day out so he knew the two were probably already up and gone. He wondered what the blonde was up to. First he needed to shower before he did anything. Once he was out of the shower, he instantly went to find the blonde and stopping in place when he did.

He frowned at the sight of Maya sitting at the dining room table with some other guy. "Well, what do we have here?" he said, getting both of their attention.

Josh couldn't help but noticed the look on Maya's face when she noticed he was in the room. She looked like a kid caught with their hand in the candy jar. It was then he knew she was hoping he wouldn't come down and see her with the other guy. She pressed her lips together, her eyes never leaving his even as the guy next to her started to talk.

"Hey," Lucas greeted with a smile. "We finally get to meet. Maya has told me a little about you. You're Josh, Riley's uncle from New York? How are you liking living here?"

Josh didn't know why but he already knew he didn't like this guy. He glanced at the guy before looking back at Maya who looked like she wished she could melt away. He ignored the guy's questions instead asking him a question of his own, "And you are?"

Lucas's eyes went wide with confusion as he looked over at Maya then back to Josh. "I'm Lucas, Maya's boyfriend."

A slight smile came to Josh's face when he realized why Maya looked so uncomfortable. He had competition. He loved competition. "Funny, she forgot to mention she has a boyfriend," he said, his eyes on Maya.

Lucas's head snapped in the direction of Maya who looked away, guilty. He faced back Josh, "Well, she does."

"Calm down. I have no attention of stealing your girlfriend...or do I?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Josh," Maya sighed, finally speaking since Josh came into the room.

He held his hand up, "Jokes."

Maya's eyes pleaded for him to behave causing him to sigh.

Lucas cleared his throat as he noticed the looks his girlfriend and the other guy in the room were giving each other.

"I'll leave you two," Josh told the two as his eyes stayed on Maya. "I'm going back to bed," he let them know, before grabbing an apple and water bottle.

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