Nobody Wants To Fight

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Nobody Wants To Fight

Josh listened to the sound of Maya's steady breathing knowing the drugs kicked in and she was fully asleep now. He opened his exhausted eyes after only getting a couple hours of sleep before being woken up by a in pain Maya before finally talking her in to letting him call the nurse to get her pain medication. It didn't take long before the nurse came with her medicine. Once the nurse left, Josh let her cuddle back up to him and get as comfortable as she could before he tried to stay as still as possible afraid to hurt her or make her uncomfortable as she fell back to sleep. He tried to fall back asleep but couldn't before finally giving up.

He gently lifted Maya's hand placing a soft kiss on it before carefully slipping out from underneath her. He stayed still making sure she was fully asleep before quietly backing and exiting the room. As soon as he exited the room, he stopped at the sight of his niece sitting on the floor outside of the room with her head in her knees. "Riley?"

She looked up at her uncle with sad worried eyes. "How is she?"

"She's..." Josh began, glancing back towards the room where his heart was. "She's okay. She's a little banged up but nothing that won't heal over time."

Riley nodded, staring at her uncle as he stared over at Maya's room. "You love her," she told him, softly.

Josh looked back at his niece before slowly nodding. "I do," he confirmed, walking over and taking a seat next to his niece on the ground after moving an overnight bag out of the way. "I love her more than I thought I could love anyone and still don't know what I did to get someone like her to love me."

Riley gave him a small smile. "Josh you are not a bad guy or Maya wouldn't have fallen in love with you the way she has. I haven't seen you two together much but the little I have I can see the love between you two and I can see it when you two talk about each other. Both of you have a light in your eyes when it comes to the other but just be careful with her. She doesn't let a lot of people in or trust them but when she does she does it with all of her heart and she loves and trusts you more than I've seen her do with anyone since she has been my best friend."

Josh stares straight ahead at Maya's door. "I know I made a huge mistake the other day. The last thing I want to do is hurt Maya. I want what is best for her."

Riley nodded, giving him a small smile as the two stared at Maya's door.

"You want to talk about your little break down?" he asked, gently, switching the subject.

Riley swallowed hard, looking up at her uncle. It was time for her to come clean about her huge mistake. She got her wish and Maya was okay and it was time she told her what made her put a wall up between the two of them. "I made a huge mistake too," she admitted softly, fighting back her tears as she rested her head on his shoulder when Josh wrapped an arm around her.

"It can't be that bad."

"It is. I betrayed Maya. I did something a best friend should never do."

Josh furrowed his eyebrows confused at her confession. "Maya will forgive you if that's what you're scared of. If she can forgive me after some of the God awful things I've said to her then she can forgive you too."

Riley pulled back to stare her uncle in the eyes, "I slept with Lucas," she said, barely over a whisper.

Josh felt himself tense up at the mention of the name of the guy he couldn't stand more than anything. He took in a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm. His niece needs him to be supportive, not to run out and find Lucas and give him the ass kicking he so wanted to give him and deserved.

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