Before They Break

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Thank you so much for the reviews/votes! I can't believe we hit my target so fast!! You guys are freaking awesome!! Thanks for the love!!! 

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.


Before They Break

Josh watched as the boy he befriended last week at lunch kept sneaking glances over at the girl eating alone at one of the other tables. "So is that Smackle girl your girlfriend?



"No," Farkle confirmed, his eyes glancing over again at the girl they were speaking of who decided not to sit with them today so she could get some last minute studying in.

Josh frowned, "Why not?"

"I don't think she likes me like that."

Josh's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. From what he could see Smackle felt the same way towards the other boy. "Why not?" he asked again.

Farkle shrugged.

"Why don't you just ask her out?"

"Because I don't think she will say yes."

Josh sat back in his seat. "Why not?"

Farkle looked up, glaring at the boy across from him. "How many times are you going to ask me that?"

"Until you give me an answer I like then I'll move on to the next question so why not?"

Farkle sighed. "I'm always put in the friend zone so I rather save myself the embarrassment and not ask her out."

"Well get out of the friend zone," Josh stated as it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And ask her out."

"It isn't that simple and don't ask why not."

Josh rolled his eyes, "Farkle, the way I look at it is if you don't ask her then someone else will."

Farkle shifted his eyes to look over at Smackle again.

"Has someone else already asked her out? Does she already have a boyfriend?"

Farkle shook his head.

"So she is single?"

Farkle nodded.

"So can I ask her out?"

"What?! No! You can't ask her out," Farkle snapped.

Josh chuckled, getting the reaction he was hoping he would. "Then go for it! What are you waiting for?" he laughed, pointing his arm in direction of the girl they were speaking of.

Farkle sighed, shaking his head. "You don't understand."

"Farkle, you're a cool dude. Don't let the other guys in this school make you think otherwise. All you have to do is..." he started to pump Farkle up until his favorite blonde interrupted his thought process as she walked over to their table. "Gorgeous, what do we owe the pleasure for this visit?" he asked, his eyes on the blonde.

Maya looked back and forth between the two, suspiciously. She placed her tray down on their table and pointed her finger between the two. "Farkle what ever he is selling you don't buy it."

"What?" Josh snapped. "That hurt," he said, placing his hand over his heart. "Here I am I'm trying to pump up Farkle to go and get the girl of his dreams and you come over here and try to ruin it."

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