Worth The While

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Special shout outs to @Melanie0800, @prfctsabby, @Batssly, @PrincessMuffin21,  

for always showing love to this story! Thank you! To all my other readers as well! Thank you guys for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Without spoiling too much one of my scenes I have ever written for any of my stories is in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.


Worth The While

"Josh, stop."

Maya warned him, grinning as Josh hovered half-way over her kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, Josh. Could you please stop? I am in the room, you know?" Farkle grumbled from his spot on the floor making the couple laugh.

"Fine, I'll let you two go back to studying for your test since neither one of you are fun," Josh sighed, getting off of Maya and sitting up. "Farkle," he reached down to do their secret hand shake careful not to hurt the boy's bandaged hand before turning his attention back on the blonde, "Gorgeous, I'll see you later," he leaned down to place a kiss on Maya's mouth, letting his lip linger for a moment before finally walking out of the room.

Farkle watched Maya watch Josh leave the room before shaking his head and smiling. "You landed the guy and you still got it bad."

Maya snapped her eyes off of her now closed bedroom door Josh just walked out of to glared over at her one of her best friends. "I do not," she tried to deny.

"Yes you do."

"I do n-" she began to deny again before biting her lip and sighing loudly, knowing Farkle was right. "-do you think I'm crazy?" she asked, with a soft serious tone.

Farkle looked up at Maya, curiously at the seriousness in Maya's voice. "What do you mean?"

Maya swallowed, "Look at how fast I have fallen for Josh. We kind of just fell into this relationship and I feel things for him that I have never felt for Lucas and I've known and was with Lucas a lot longer than Josh. Sometimes I wonder what has come over me. "

Farkle nodded, knowing exactly what has come over the blonde. "I think it's called love."

Maya looked over at Farkle with wide eyes.

"Sometimes people fall faster than others," he shrugged, continuing. "It's simple, you were never in love with Lucas but you are in love with Josh. That's why you feel those things."

Maya swallowed, before slowly nodding her head as her thoughts went to the boy in the next room.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about Lucas," Farkle began, softly.

Maya's eyes snapped back up at Farkle.

"As you know he is definitely not handling your breakup well."

"You think?" Maya stated, raising her eyebrows. "I feel bad he is hurting but he definitely out of control."

"Yeah, he is," Farkle agreed. "That's why I don't regret punching him because he deserved it and he should be thanking his lucky stars Josh hasn't had a chance to get to him but was he ever like that before? Out of control? You know...when you two were dating?"

Maya shook her head, "No, not really. He would get jealous and try to push me into having sex when he knew I wasn't ready but he never touched me or anything like that."

Farkle nodded. "That's good to hear. Not the pressuring to have sex," he backtracked some. "But he's never hurt you."

It was Maya's turn to nod.

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