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When they arrived at the hospital, Diaz took the lead. At first, she shut down the journalists waiting for Lena. "Miss Luthor will not be speaking with you at this moment, she has been shot. Again." Her voice allowed no objections, and the journalists slowly dispersed. Diaz took the pilot downstairs. Lena had called ahead to make sure there was a police car to take the man away. Lena also promised the cops that she'd write up a full report as soon as she had visited a doctor. She would send them that, along with the camera footage as proof. The number of assassins and criminals Lena had handed over to the police was enough to allow her some flexibility. She even had a few cops she considered to be her friends. Well, they were definitely Camilla's friends.When the journalists had finally left, Lena stepped out of the helicopter as she applied pressure to her bleeding arm. Since she was used to the constant assassinations, she built up some immunity to the pain. Sadly, she was not immune to gunshot wounds. She walked straight to the surgical department, greeting the usual nurse.

"Hey Lisa, it's that time again." She held up her arm. Lisa, an elderly lady with silver curls and red reading glasses, gave her a pitiful smile.

"Hello miss Luthor. Though it is nice to see you, I do wish people would stop shooting you." Lisa spoke, typing on her computer to see if doctor Ricardo was in his office. Lena sighed, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, I wish that too. Yet, I doubt that it's going to happen unless I get a better reputation." She tried to make sure her blood wouldn't get everywhere, but it was no use. It was already dripping down her arm and onto the floor.

"Take a seat, miss Luthor. I will let doctor Ricardo know what happened and get you a towel," Lisa spoke as she got up from her seat. Lena walked over to the row of blue chairs across from the desk. She pondered over her reputation, and any way of improving it. Her support of children's hospitals, and her changing the course of her company. Her working with the top scientists from around the world to reverse global warming. None of it had helped her reputation. Aside from the evil actions her brother had pulled off, and the crimes her adoptive mother committed, she had a clean record. Well, some people hated her for the advancements she made in science, but that was just jealousy.

"Here's your towel, the doctor will be here in a moment," Lisa said, handing Lena a red towel.

"Thank you." She wiped her right hand on the towel, then carefully placed it over the wound. She had long ago learnt that trying to please everyone was impossible, and stopped trying to be perfect. Now, she was just hoping to be accepted without being shot at.

"Welcome back, miss Luthor." Doctor Ricardo was standing in the doorframe of his office, his brown hair a bit of a mess. Lena smiled politely as she entered the office.

"Nice to see you again, doctor." She sat down on the operating bed as usual, and the doctor put on some clean gloves. He chuckled, before examining the wound.

"You too. Have you thought about my idea of wearing bulletproof clothing?" He asked, cutting the sleeve off of her stained blouse. It was her turn to laugh.

"Yes. Sadly I haven't figured out how to make those clothes comfortable, and stylish." She watched as he cleaned her arm with rubbing alcohol, clenching her right hand in pain.

"You're a smart woman, you can figure it out!" doctor Ricardo gave her a localised sedative and glued the wound shut. In the beginning, she'd get stitches. But as time went on they switched to glue, because of the frequency. She would have to come back every two weeks to get them removed. After the glue dried, he wrapped the arm in a bandage and gave her the standard talk.

"If anything weird happens, you know the drill by now. Be careful with your arm for a bit." Lena thanked the doctor, then left the office.

"Hey, Lena." Camilla was sitting on one of the chairs, her legs crossed.

"Hey, Camilla, ready to go?" The two women went back upstairs and Diaz flew them to the university, successfully this time. Lena was going to chat with the head of the physics department. This was to see if new PhD students could intern at her company. She was a crucial factor in the department, and not only because of the financial support she gave them. The addition they most enjoyed was the enormous boost she gave the female students, proving that you can be a woman in physics and you can still be yourself.

"So, what's your plan with the interns?" Camilla spoke as they walked to the head office, students glancing at them as they passed.

"I definitely want one,-" Camilla laughed."That sounds like you're buying a puppy. Sorry, continue." "Well I definitely want one so they can learn what it's like to work at a company like L-corp and how to make progress in the work field." "That's smart. Plus they can learn that they deserve respect and as much power as men." "Yeah, exactly." They came to the door and Lena knocked. The number of looks they received was rising rapidly. Camilla was enjoying it, a smirk on her lips. "I forgot how surprised students are when people show up dressed in fancier clothes." She watched as a short girl in sweatpants and a tank top tripped over her feet, staring at Camilla's suit jacket."We were like that too.." Lena smiled, nudging Camilla. "Besides, they're definitely looking at you. My blouse has gone to hell and came back ready for university." She gestured to her outfit.

"Hello girls, are you having fun watching my students?" A deep voice caused them to turn around, to the chubby, tall director of the department. They shook hands, before walking inside.

Lena had been there many times, which caused her to feel at home. She walked to the windowsill, looking around for details that had changed since her last visit.

"Did you kill the cactus already? Not that I'm against the spider plant." She briefly touched the leaves of a small potted plant. The director, mister Jackson sighed, rubbing his chin.

"Yeah... I gotta figure that out. Please, have a seat. I'll get you some drinks." Camilla sat down, but Lena kept walking around until mister Jackson came back to the office with three cups of coffee on his tray. After they all received their drinks, Jackson sat down in his leather chair. "So, let's get started on our agenda."

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