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Reyna leaned against the counter on a Friday morning, just after the rush. She knew Kara would be there soon, she always made sure she could catch up with Reyna on Friday mornings by planning a bunch of meetings for Miss Grant at that time.

"Hey girl, how was rush hour?" Kara walked in with a smile.
"Too many boring lattes. How was your morning meeting?" Reyna replied, standing upright.
"It was fine, Miss Grant has a whole bunch of meetings at this other company, L-corp. So I'm free to go for now. I have to be back at-" Kara checked her watch. "-One. So can I get a latte," she joked.
"No! No more lattes!" Reyna played along.

"Okay," Kara laughed. "Can I have one of whatever you feel like making, and a doughnut?"

Reyna punched the order into the tablet and Kara paid. Then Reyna started on the drink.
"Wait, did you say Miss Grant had meetings at L-corp?" Reyna asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"It sounds very familiar..." Reyna searched her memories for a reference. "Wait... Could the 'L' in L-corp stand for Luthor?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Uhm, possibly. Actually, yes, I think so." Kara pulled her phone out of her purse to check the location of the meetings.

Reyna finished the caramel macchiato she picked for Kara as Kara looked at Miss Grant's appointment.
"Yeah you're right. The location of the meeting is in the Luthor corp building. How did you know that?"
Reyna took a doughnut from the display case and placed it on a plate. "My internship was at Luthor corp. They said that the name was a work in progress, so I figured that L-corp could be the new name."

"You had an internship there?" Kara asked, impressed by her friend.
"Yup. Enjoy your order!"

Alex was just working on a formula that should wake up Lena when Maggie walked in, her laptop in her hands, and her bag slung over her shoulder. "Hey Sawyer," Alex said, glancing up from her notepad.

Maggie looked at Alex, then promptly walked into the corner of a medicine cabinet. "Ah fuck!" With one hand, she protected her laptop, with the other, she rubbed her hip.

"Smooth," Alex teased. Then she felt a light prickling on her hip.
"Gee thanks. How is it, that in this multimillion dollar company, the wifi still sucks?" Maggie hadn't noticed Alex's distraction. She put her laptop down on the free desk next to Alex's, then crawled under Alex's desk.

Alex stared at her hip with wide eyes. A gentle orange gladiole was growing on her hip, curving the petals around her hip bone.

"Why are you staring down your jeans?" Maggie asked as she sat cross-legged under the table. The first time she had crawled under there without warning, Alex backed up so fast she tipped over her chair. But after a week of her stealing the network cable from under Alex's desk, Alex barely noticed anymore. Maggie tapped Alex's leg when she didn't answer her question. "Earth to Danvers," she said.

"Oh-" Alex let go of the waistband of her jeans and leaned forward to look Maggie in the eyes. "Uhm," She started, fidgeting with her hands. "Maggie, have you found your soulmate?"

Maggie shook her head. She didn't realise what was happening right away, so Alex gave her a nudge in the right direction.

"Do you by any chance have a bruise on your hip right now?" Alex asked. Maggie crawled out from under the desk and stood up so she could check. A bright blue bruise wrapped itself around her hip bone, and she stared at Alex in shock.

Alex stood up from her chair, then lowered the waistband of her jeans a little so Maggie could see the gladiole. "This one just appeared."

"You're my soulmate," Maggie whispered. She threw her arms around Alex.
"You're my soulmate," Alex whispered back, closing her eyes. If Maggie was her soulmate, she could trust Maggie. And if she could trust Maggie, she could tell her who Lena's soulmate was.

"Hey Sawyer." Alex pulled back from the hug enough to look Maggie in the eyes.

Maggie smiled at Alex with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, Danvers?"

"Since you're my soulmate, I can trust you, right?" As soon as she spoke the words, she regretted them. It sounded like a question you'd ask if you had to hide a body somewhere.
"Yes. Why, did you kill someone?" Maggie raised an eyebrow.
See, Alex thought. It was a murder question. "Oh god no. It's just..." She took Maggie's hand and led her to Lena. "Based on the pattern of Lena's wounds, I think... I think I know who her soulmate is."

They were interrupted by Camilla, walking inside like she was on a warpath. "Hey Agent Danvers, I have some questions for you," she said.

Alex didn't let go of Maggie's hand, but she did turn her full attention to Camilla. "Yes?"
Camilla's eyes went to their intertwined fingers, then back to Alex. "Well now my first question is, what's with the hand-holding?" She asked, biting back a laugh. If this was what she thought it was...

"We just found out that uh. We're soulmates," Maggie said.
Camilla laughed. "Yeah I figured." She smiled at Alex and Maggie's confused expressions. "Okay, back to my questions." Camilla stayed silent for a few seconds as she sorted out her thoughts. "I have reasons to suspect that you know something about Miss Luthor's soulmate that we do not know. Is that correct?" She set her first trap. If Alex lied, however much training she had would not protect her from Camilla knowing about it. She was an expert in detecting lies.
"That is true," Alex spoke, a stubborn tone to her voice.
"Okay, second question." Camilla crossed her arms. "You know Miss Luthor's soulmate, correct?"
"I have my suspicions," Alex replied smoothly.
Camilla bit the inside of her cheek. Damn, she hadn't thought of that. "Okay, third question. The person you suspect to be Miss Luthor's soulmate is someone you care about, correct?"
No sneaky wordplay this time, Camilla noted. "If I personally guarantee the safety of this person you care about, would you speak up about their identity?" That's right, Camilla thought. I can weave a word web too, Danvers.
Alex considered the offer, then glanced at Maggie, who was watching the exchange like the world's most entertaining tennis match.
"You would make sure this person is not harmed?" Alex asked.
"Yes," Camilla replied.
"I will share my suspicions. If you let me see the image you have been using to locate Miss Luthor's possible soulmate. If it is not who I think it is, I will not share my suspicions." Alex made sure to state her terms. If this person Maggie had been hacking for was not Kara then her hypothesis might be incorrect. Which meant that she would be bringing Camilla a huge hint concerning Supergirl's identity. And she definitely should not do that.
"Deal. Maggie, please show her the image."
Maggie let go of Alex's hand and walked to the desk. She logged into her laptop and quickly opened the image she'd been using to search the internet. She turned her laptop to Alex, who stared at her little sister.
"I know who Miss Luthor's soulmate is."


Wooh! We're pushing to a close! Please leave a comment telling me what you thought (unless it's about Alex's behaviour annoying you then I don't wanna hear it.) And let me know how your quarantine is!



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