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After Alex had brought Kara up to speed, and the Danvers sisters met with Camilla, it was finally time to wake Lena up. Or, at least, try to wake her up. Alex had spent days perfecting the formula, terrified that something would go wrong. If something did, she would be disappointing her boss, and her little sister. In addition to that, she would be disappointing herself.

She took a deep breath and thought back to the moment when she had told Kara everything.

"Kara, I know who your soulmate is," Alex said, looking at Kara.
Kara froze, holding a pizza slice in her hand. "Wait what?" She mumbled, staring at Alex in shock.

Alex sighed and fidgeted with the rings on her fingers. "That top secret job I've been working is a medical situation. Lena Luthor and her bodyguard, Camilla Diaz, were attacked. Someone shot a rocket at their office. Obviously they were rushed to the emergency room, and taken care of in the usual way, but when Camilla woke up, she made sure that Lena was moved to their private hospital wing." Alex took a deep breath. "Camilla contacted the DEO and asked them to send their best doctor." She waved away Kara's proud expression. "For the past six weeks I've been patching up the CEO of Luthor-Corp. During that time, someone's been scouring the internet, looking for you. You see, before the attack happened, they'd seen you in the background on TV," Alex said, placing a hand on Kara's arm. "When you blew out your powers, and you broke your arm. They were using that image of you to look for you because at the same time, Lena Luthor had flowers covering her forearm.-" Alex held up a hand to stop Kara from interrupting her. She had to get it all out at once, so she wouldn't forget anything.
"I didn't know they were using an image of you. But I did analyse Lena's body to take care of her, and her pattern matches yours. When Camilla asked me if I knew more than I was letting on, she showed me the image they were using to search for Lena's soulmate. It's you, Kara. You're her soulmate."

They had spent the rest of the night talking about it, completely forgetting about the movie. The next morning, Alex remembered that she was also supposed to inform Kara about Maggie. So she casually mentioned it over breakfast.

Having to explain to Kara that she'd been going on dates just for fun and practice was a difficult thing to do. Alex had forgotten how much of a romantic Kara was. But they got through the conversation, and Alex managed to set up an appointment between Camilla and Kara.

Even though Camilla was the one who brought them all together, she was starting to feel like an outsider. She stood on the other side of Lena's bed as Alex created the medicine that would wake Lena up. Maggie sat in Alex's desk chair and called out values when Alex asked for them, and Kara tapped her fingers on the railing of the bed. Camilla's initial impression of Kara was that she seemed innocent. Genuinely innocent. When the obvious questions were out of the way, she had asked why Kara was never wounded. The sisters exchanged a few looks, but Kara had spoken the truth. Camilla was eternally grateful for her trained poker face when Kara had flown through her office like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Alright," Alex kept her hands steady as she took the test tube out of the centrifuge. She tossed the balancer, then turned to her metal tray. With one hand, she removed the plastic from the syringe, with the other, she popped open the test tube. She felt everyone's eyes on her as she slowly filled the syringe with her mixture, then put down the test tube. After inspecting the syringe, it was time. She walked to Lena and injected her. "If she doesn't wake up within the hour, I made a mistake."

The first thing Lena noticed was the pounding headache. She could tell that she was in a hospital bed, she'd woken up in one enough times. But something was different, something was off. The room didn't smell like a standard hospital room, and a deafening silence pressed upon her eardrums. She groaned and opened her eyes, attempting to bring the blurry room into view.

Camilla lost her professional expression when she watched her boss come back to life. She threw her arms around Lena without considering the others in the room.
"Hey Camilla," Lena said with a rough tone to her voice. She placed her hands on Camilla's back. "How long have I been out? What happened?"

Alex took Kara's hand and gently pulled her away from the bed. As much as she understood Kara's need to speak with Lena, Alex knew Lena needed time first. After being in a coma for so long, Lena wouldn't be able to take in a lot of new information at once. And something like meeting her soulmate should be kept for after Lena managed to get out of bed. "Why don't you go to the break room with Maggie and come back in an hour?" Alex asked in the softest tone she could muster.
Kara looked from Alex to Lena and Camilla. She had waited so long to meet her soulmate. On the other hand, since she had already waited so long to meet her soulmate, an extra hour wouldn't kill her. "Fine," she mumbled.
Alex sighed in relief and gave Maggie a kiss on the cheek. "Okay, see you two in an hour," she said. Then, she turned back to her patient.

"Hi, I'm-" She paused, looking at Camilla. Should she introduce herself as Agent Alex Danvers, or doctor Alex Danvers?
"This is Agent Alex Danvers, of the DEO. She's the doctor who's been taking care of you," Camilla said. Alex shook Lena's hand. The way Camilla behaved with Lena was completely different than Alex had seen before. It was soft, and caring.

"Nice to meet you Agent Danvers," Lena said.
"You too. Would you mind if I did an examination? Since you're awake now we can test your motor functions," Alex asked. She moved over to her desk and grabbed her clipboard.
"Go right ahead," Lena replied. Then, she turned to Camilla. "So, what'd I miss?"

Alex performed a thorough examination as Camilla filled Lena in on the events of the past six weeks.

When Camilla reached the point concerning Kara, she stopped and looked at Alex.
"What Miss Diaz is trying to tell you," Alex took over as she checked Lena's knee reflexes. "Is that we've located your soulmate. She's here. She's my sister." Alex stood up straight and met Lena's speechless expression.

"And there's one more thing you should know..." Camilla trailed off as she saw Maggie and Kara walk into the room. Alex glanced at the girls.
"Hey Kara, care to introduce yourself?" Alex asked.
"Uhm, sure..."
Alex took a few steps back and wrapped her arm around Maggie as she watched Kara shake her soulmate's hand for the first time.
"Hi, I'm Kara Danvers. And you should probably know that I'm..." Kara paused to take off her glasses. "I'm Supergirl."


Whaddup we're here as usual let me know what you think please?
Only two more chapters to go ayyy

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