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Lena slammed her right hand onto her keyboard, letting out an angry sigh. Camilla pushed herself away from the wall she was leaning against and stepped behind Lena's chair.

"Lena," she spoke in a stern tone, placing a hand on the back of her chair.

"You have many skills, but hacking is not one of them." Lena stopped typing and leaned back.

"I know. But now that I know she exists, I cannot wait any longer." Camilla turned Lena's chair around so she could look her in the eyes.

"Listen, we can call one of my friends. Remember Brianna? She's a world-class hacker. I can send her a message. But you have to be patient."

"Fine. Ask her, quickly please." Camilla moved to her laptop and Lena went to her balcony so she could see over the city. The wrecks they showed on the tv were only snippets of the real thing. Everywhere she looked, she could see smoke rising from the streets. Cars drove off the road, sirens everywhere.

"Are you sure about this, Supergirl?" James spoke as she entered the shop. She didn't speak but nodded ever so slightly. Kara barely heard what she was saying to the robbers, all she could hear was her heart. It beat against her chest as she watched the robbers raise their guns to her chest. She spoke again, hoping to Rao that they wouldn't pull the trigger. One bullet and it would be over. She held out her hand, keeping her broken arm by her side. As the robbers handed her the gun, the pounding in her chest subsided, finally letting her listen to the world around her. She managed to do it. She stopped a robbery without her powers, and without getting hurt.

"That picture is amazing," Kara spoke when James showed her the camera. They were back at CatCo so he could put the image online.

"Let's just hope it shuts Maxwell Lord up." Kara looked out the window and saw the billionaire ass standing in front of twelve cameras. He was gesturing wildly and almost hit a pedestrian in the face. Kara set her jaw. That man was despicable.

"He's not even helping anyone. He keeps shouting that Supergirl is not here and that the people have to take care of each other but all he's doing is promoting himself." James inserted the SD-card into his laptop and opened the files.

"Well, now we are going to promote Supergirl. And prove him wrong." He opened the picture and uploaded it to the CatCo site. As James returned his SD-card to the correct location, Kara tried calling Alex again.

"The person you are trying to reach is unavailable-" She pushed the red button and squeezed her phone in frustration. Something she could never do if she had her powers. Alex can take care of herself, Kara knew that. But she would definitely prefer to be with Alex. Just in case, something went wrong.

Camilla received a message from Brianna just five minutes later. "Hey Camilla, I'd love to help you but I'm currently wrapped up in a complicated case. I can send you a friend instead? She's no professional, more of a hobby hacker, but I promise that she's good. And don't worry, I performed a background check when I met her. She will not be a threat to miss Luthor. Let's catch up soon, once I'm done with this case!" Camilla called out to Lena so she would come inside. She had to reset her mind for a second, keeping her poker face. Lena had let her hair down and it was clear that she was struggling to keep her professional control. "So I sent Brianna a message," Camilla spoke, turning her laptop so Lena could read it. "Okay. Tell her to send us her friend. All I want is to find her and fast. I'm going back out, join me when you're done." Lena sighed. "Maybe we can help out on the streets." Camilla watched as her boss made a brave attempt to pull herself together. They had been together for three years now, and Camilla had only seen Lena like this a handful of times. Camilla sighed, running her hands through her curls. She could protect Lena physically, but she could not protect her mind. After a glance at the balcony, she turned her attention back to her laptop. It was time to get them a tech nerd. Kara had never felt so much fear in her life. The adrenaline was flying through her body, heightening with every second that she watched James fall. Fall to his death. She could not let this happen. Like before, every sound faded away, every sensation fell to the background. At that moment, she didn't care what would happen if things ended badly, no. She dove after James, and they never hit the ground. When she realised that her powers were back, the first thing she did was change. No matter what, Kara knew she couldn't be flying around as Kara. "You're back," James whispered, his voice still trembling from his fall down the elevator shaft. Kara looked at her perfectly mended arm and breathed through her nose. "And I'm healed. I'll see you later, I have to go save the others upstairs." And with that, she flew back up.

Lena rarely felt helpless, her upbringing made sure of that. However, attempting to find her soulmate, now that she knew her soulmate did exist, that made her feel lost. She let her eyes unfocus. Everything around her felt unreal. She couldn't comprehend her feelings. At that moment, she let her guard down. The attack was perfectly timed, with her bodyguard inside, and Lena completely lost in her world. She never saw the rocket coming.

Camilla was clicking the send button on her message when it happened. Her reflexes kicked in and she looked up from her screen, straight at the rocket that sailed through the windows and toward her. All she could do was duck. When she lay on the floor, her sight slowed and she saw the rocket explode into a million small fragments, raining over her. Many of them pierced her torso, arms and legs. She didn't care. The heat from the explosion torched her skin. She didn't care. Her mind was occupied, filled with regret. Lena. Lena was on the balcony. Lena got hurt. Camilla failed her boss, she failed her friend.

"Hey, great job out there today," Captain Waters told Maggie when they changed out of their uniforms.

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm just glad this power outage is over, I doubt that we would have been able to keep the peace much longer."

"You're right, we could have had to call in reinforcements. And you know how I feel about those." Captain Waters rolled her eyes and shouldered her bag.

"See you tomorrow, Sawyer. Eight AM, sharp."

"I'll be there!" Maggie shouted after her captain. Then she took her phone back out of her locker and checked her notifications. Brianna texted her.

"Hey girl, would you be willing to help one of my friends? She's Lena Luthor's bodyguard. They need some hacking done, but I'm on a special case. Please? I'll buy you a beer." Maggie smiled and raised an eyebrow as she typed her response."Make it two beers and you've got a deal."

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