Chapter 2

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(A/N): Hola (hello), welcome to Chapter 2. So where we left off is when Tex runs into Ruby and heads into his dorm cautious about everyone and thing.


The weird phone thing buzzed on the night stand by the desk as I slowly awake from my sleep. "Houston what is that?" I ask as my body tries to wake up. "Ozpin is calling, pick up the phone." She said as I reach for it slapping my hand down to firmly grasp it. I answer the phone. "Hello?" I slowly sit up in my bed. "Ah, Goodmorning Mr. Tex. How'd you sleep?" He asks as I smiled, "I slept pretty good."  I got up and looked into my closet seeing school uniforms. "We had school uniforms delivered to your closet so you could blend in." He explained. "Ozpin... I stand out with my unique armor and face!" I said as I could feel him smile smugly. "Well how could you get to know this world even better without being in it." I sighed knowing he was right. "Alright what's my first class?" I ask while I put on the uniform carefully trying not to rip or tear it. I swing the cloak around and sigh as I pull the hood over my face. "Professor Port will be your first class of the day." He said as I smiled looking at the door. "Alright I'm on my way." I opened the door and lock it behind me. I head down the stairs and into the foggy out doors. I take a "deep breath" and continue walking through the courtyard.

I arrive in Port's class and shake his hand. "Good morning Professor Port." I smile as his eye grows raise showing his eyes. "So your the student Professor Ozpin was talking about!" He says exclaimed I nod hoping that there isn't another one he's talking about. "Ozpin was right you are fascinating!" He says shaking my whole body while looking around my body. "Welcome to my class I'm Professor  Port, one of the history teachers at Beacon." He said as he welcomed me. I noticed some of the animals on the wall from the first encounter with this world. "Please take a seat and wait for the rest of the class to join." He said as I smiled and sat in the back. Other students joined as groups. Kinda like a fireteam. I sat in the back with a smile, class had begun.

《Not a very long timeskip》

Professor Port went on and on about him and the animals called "Grimm", it got pretty boring as it was mainly about himself. I took out my knife and flipped it as I watched. Apparently my knife flipping caught the attention of a group of four guys. I would say none of them were in class to learn but to bully. I watched them as they watched me, the dark glow of my (e/c) LEDs stared through there soul. The turned away and faced Port as I caught my knife blade down, with my index finger in the hole at the hilt. "Hm..." I looked at them one last time before the bell rings. I walked down the halls to the next class.

《Gylnda's battle simulation arena 》

A blonde knight is losing badly to another knight with a mace. The fight was fairly boring but I noticed a thing called aura. It's a supposed shield that protects the user from damage until its depleted. Then, they are as weak as a Taken with no leader. The blonde lost by getting knocked to the floor. The knight with the mace raises it prepared to bring it down. "That's enough." Gylnda says as a buzzer rings. "Students as you can all see Mr. Arc's aura has fallen into the red, if this was a tournament a judge would end the match." She said before putting the tablet at her waist and turning to Mr. Arc and saying something no one but Cardim and himself could hear. The bell rang as she dismissed the class. Everyone left as I walked up to her with my hands in my pocket. "Ah Mr. Tex, how are you liking the classes so far." Gylnda asked as she wasn't bothered by my appearance. "So far so good Professor." I said with a smile as she smiled as well. "Well its lunch hour you might want to find something to do during your break." She suggests as I nod. "I'll visit areas around campus so I can get used to this." I answered while leaving for the door. I gave her a two finger salute as she waves.

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