And the daddy is....

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I had my first doctor's appointment, and Damien went with me. People looked at us like we were from another planet. Hasn't anyone ever seen a bad boy in a doctor's office?

The nurse called me back as he followed me and showed us to a room. I walked inside, and the nurse handed me this paper shirt to change into with a sheet of paper that looks like a sheet.

"Sir, you're going have to wait in the hallway," the nurse told Damien.

"Why? I know what she looks like naked," he told her as she looked at him strangely. "You can go now." He waved her off as she left the room, closing the door behind her. "Damn prude," he mumbled as I changed.

I hopped onto the table and sat there swinging my legs back and forth as Damien leaned against the counter next to me. Someone knocked on the door and entered. The doctor closed the door and looked through a file.

"It says you're here for pregnancy," the doctor mentioned to me.

"Yeah, and we need to know how far along I am," I said. The doctor looked at me, weirdly. "See, we were together, then jackass dumped me to "save me." I slept with some douche because I was lonely and horny, then got back together with a jackass and now I'm here," I explained as Damien looked up at the ceiling. The doctor didn't know what to say to me.

"I'm going to the exam you and we will determine how far along you are," the doctor said as he walked over to the counter and opened the drawer. He pulled out gloves and lube.

"What are you doing?" Damien asked him as I laid there.

"I'm going to do a pelvic exam, then a full exam," the doctor told him as he positions himself on a stool and examines me, which was uncomfortable as hell. Damien glared at him. Believe it or not, this exam sucks, and no woman enjoys it.

The doctor finished, then used an instrument to measure me along with doing calculations. I sat up as I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable down under.

"According to the time frame, you're eight weeks along," the doctor told us. I sat there and thought about it as Damien stood there. If the doctor was right, then around the beginning, when we started having sex is when I got pregnant.

"What?" Damien asked me.

"Eight weeks ago was around the time we started sleeping together, which means one thing," I said as I smiled.

He looked at me and said, "The baby is mine?"

"Apparently," I said as a smile grew upon his lips. "You must have forgotten the protection during one of the times that night."

He thought about it and chuckled. "Got to love the heat of the moment," he smirked as the doctor left us alone.

Damien moved in front of me and placed his hands on my legs. I looked at him as he looked back at me.

"Marry me," he proposed.

"That was by far the most unromantic proposal," I told him.

"It's not about the proposal. It's about wanting to marry you. I don't want our kid to grow up the way you and I did. I want the kid to have a stable home with parents that love each other. Marry me," Damien said.

I looked at him and placed my hands on top of his. "Yes, but we'll do it before I'm too big to give a shit." He chuckled and leaned down and kissed me.

We decided to get married after I got situated with school and we were in our new place. We also wanted our friends there, which was going to be difficult with Rocky and Jagger in the same room. Eh, both can suck it for one day.


After the doctors, we stopped by a toy store, and I bought a baby doll. Ro needed to learn how to change a damn diaper because I wasn't getting stuck with diaper duty. We got back to Jaden's and went into the kitchen.

I set the doll on the table and placed all the items next to it. She stood there as I removed all the clothes.

"Okay, now, I'm going to show you how to change junior," I told her as I got what I needed and put a diaper on the baby. Ro watched me as I took my time and handled the doll with care. When I finished, I handed her the doll. "Now, your turn."

She took the doll and removed the diaper. I watched as she took ointment and squeezed it too hard, making it squirt everywhere. Then, she grabbed a million wipes, trying to clean up the doll. Next, she put a diaper on it and fastened it, then raised the toy as the diaper fell off.

"Well, I suck," Ro said as I sighed. It was going to be a long night, teaching her how to change a diaper. Our kid might be a nudist.


I walked into the house, and my parents met me.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" I asked my parents.

"We've come to a decision. Since your eighteen and decided not to go to college, you need to get out," Dad told me.

"Wait. What?" I asked.

"Honey," Mom started to say as I noticed two bags, a pillow, and a blanket. I furrowed my brows. "It's time to be an adult," Mom told me as Dad nodded.

"You're kicking me out," I said.

"You can't live here for the rest of your life. You do need to be out on your own. You can take the car, but you'll need to get your insurance in two weeks," Dad informed me.

I stood there, stunned. My parents were kicking me out. I grabbed my bags along with the blanket and pillow and left. My parents told me to visit when I get settled. Settled where? I had no place to go and no money. Plus, I had no job.

I put my stuff in my car and left my parent's house and drove to find a job. I'll figure something out. It's not like I had a lot going for me at the moment.

I came across a diner with a help wanted sign in the window. I parked the car and got out. I went inside and inquired about a job. They offered me a career as a busboy. It was better than nothing. I took it.

I didn't have a choice and no skills. I was on my own now, yay.

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