Wow so I was just making this book as a thing I do for fun but you all actually like these recipes? What's sad is that even I haven't tried my potato pancake recipe in at least 2 years 😂 If you guys have tried any of these recipes and they need some revising, please do let me know because I don't even use the measurements I put here hAha omg... Also I am thinking about doing a revised version of the dumpling recipe, so if you guys want that, let me know. Or not, because that chapter won't come out until probably another 5 MONTHS. The reason why these chapters don't come out weekly or whatever is because to be honest, I don't try to make new recipes very often. When I do make something, it's something so simple like making a sandwich. Like come on, everyone knows how to make a sandwich.
Well that wraps up the end of my sad update, I do plan to make a new recipe sometime within the next month or so; maybe look forward to that(?)
Lazy Food Recipes
DiversosThis cookbook isn't called "Lazy Food Recipes" referring to lazy people like YOU: It's referring to myself as a lazy cook who can't make actual food from scratch. Thanks for visiting though :D