My expository essay

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Question: What adviceQ would youK1 give someone visiting SingaporeT for the first timeK2?

Singapore is the Lion City where the climate is as unbearably hot as the Sahara and as humid as the Amazon forests. Not to forget, the millions of mosquitoes waiting to suck your blood until you are as dried up as a plant during a drought. But other than that, you are totally fine!

Long sleeves are not advisable unless you wish to be sweating bullets in a country hot enough to cook alive a sunbathing lizard. I must also warn you that you might not last a day in Singapore without suffering a heat-related injury, which may dampen your mood for the rest of your holiday here – but fret not, rain is just a grey cloud away!
Remember to always bring an umbrella. The weather has a fickle mind. The sky tends to cry for a bit, then stop almost immediately, changing its mind to instead be cheery with sunshine.

When not battling freak weather, mosquitoes are your top nemesis, carrying Zika and Dengue, both deadly diseases which could potentially cause national panic and chaos. Mosquitoes are definitely something that Singapore does not lack due to her rainforest-like conditions which can sometimes be annoying. So, always remember your insect repellent and fight the 'mozzies' that are always thirsty for your blood.

There are countless parks in Singapore, too. Parks are located within a 10-metre range from our internationally renowned Housing Development Board (HDB) flats. So there would likely be a park available for you within walking distance. Remember to grab your sports shoes and put on proper attire for a run or cycle in Singapore's serene parks filled with assorted colourful flowers that will definitely make you dizzy and breathe in the fresh air that is absent in most other urban countries, exploring the untouched parks of Singapore where only mother nature exists. I am sure Singapore is one of a kind.

Singapore might be small but is filled with many recreational activities and theme parks for family fun, such as Wild Wild Wet and Universal Studios Singapore which would let you have the best time of your life and relieve the stress that has accumulated from our busy way of life. However, money is a must as nothing is free in this world – especially not on our little red dot. Despite the short history Singapore has endured, we have many museums which showcase how life was before and the many beautiful traditional costumes which are worn by the different races in our multicultural Singapore. This would be an eye-opener for you. They also have endless number of museums dedicated to arts and science which display many out-of-this-world art forms as well as the science behind the creation of them.

You must not forget to try the many mixed cultural food that Singapore has to offer that many other countries do not boast. So do not just come here for fast food as it is time for you to break the barrier of cultural alienation here in Singapore. Finally, my advice to you is to come with an open mind. After all, Singapore is an island full of surprises.

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