For You

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It was bright, the whole room is extremely bright and completely white. Nothing could be heard except the shallow breathing of two people, yet at the same time it's not really heard. This place, though endless is a place that is close to vacuum.

They opened their eyes slowly, squinting at the bright light they have been faced with. They see nothing in this endless confined space. No other colours were present. The two people in the room turned to look at each other. Their faces are white too. No colours at all, except the bare outline of their bodies.

They speak, but they couldn't hear each other. They could only hear themselves, their voice vibrating inside of them but they still hear nothing.

They have nothing, but clothes that cover their frail bodies. Their sound is lost. Their memories — what? Their hearing — non-existent. They could barely feel what their touching.

They long for companionship, but it is impossible. They are chained to the very ground they sat on. The regrets they previously had pulling them down, yet they have no memory, no. The ceiling is endless and the walls that you can never see, such a spacious confined space it'd be.

They both looked at each other with the longing in their eyes and the desperation in their actions. Nothing. Nothing at all. The white that you see when you die, is no paradise. It is torture to every being.

Frustration, anger, sadness, all the negative feelings manifests themselves into dark vines that keep them in place and in line with the rules of the space that is not confined.

Those black matter cling onto their skin, digging into their porcelain white skin. It cracked, it hurts but it didn't matter, they wanted to reach the person they see in front of them.

They clawed their way towards the person they see in front of them. Bearing the pain that is still being inflicted they reach each other.

Looking into each other's eyes, they could see the pain and the want and the need that they both had burning in them. The shear will power they needed to reach each other. They wanted companionship, they wanted someone to care. They reach out to only find themselves separated by a thin piece of glasses.

So close yet so far.

Translucent tears roll down their eyes as hopelessness consumes them.

Only time will tell, but truly they were alone, facing a mirror.

The mirror of truth, reflects what you feel inside.

The fact that you're alone, the sad truth, when you're alone, you show the truth.

Isn't society this way? Speak no truths, hear no lies? You're barely breathing but you're still living. You touch things to feel things, yet they aren't truly there. You see things, but you overlook them.

Burdened by the regrets and the negative feelings, bearing through pain just because...

You're only reaching for things that aren't yours.

For you, they say... for you but which of it is the truth?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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