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(November POV)
"Sooooo, you excited about being on the cheer team?" Malia asks as we walk to lunch.

"Yea I really am. I'm just nervous about practice today." I admit.

I don't know why I'm nervous, I just am. I guess it's because I'm used to people judging me without knowing me. But I mean they must like me if they put me on the team, they seem like really nice girls. The guys on the team are nice too but I only met 2 of them.

"Don't be nervous. Every other new tryout that got in knows as much as you do." She assures.
"I was the only new girl on the team" I deadpan.
"Okay well excuse me for trying to cheer you up." She laughs. We make it to the lunch room and find our table.

"Hey November, Hey Malia," Tessa says as me and Malia sit down.
"Hiya guys." I greet back.

"You ready for practice?" She asks me. Tessa was one of the co-captains of the cheerleading team. That became a huge help when it was down to me and this other girl. Although I was sure I wasn't gonna be picked. I found out through a group text message on the way home. 

"Yeah, I am."

"Good bec-"
Tessa gets cut off by some football player that came from outta nowhere, he comes and squeezes himself between me and Uriah.

"Hey November, I heard you're on the cheerleading team now. You wanna go out sometimes you know...do something" He says while whispering in my ear, which is really loud might I add, someone should teach this to whisper. Remind me not to tell this man anything.

"Uhmm, what "
"C'mon you know you want to." He says normally now.
"No, I really don't," I state out of the corner of my eye I see Malia walk over to his side. "Hey, maybe you can join too." He says speaking to Malia. She laughs and then dumps her whole school lunch spaghetti all over him.

"Hey, you fucking bitch!" He yells. Malia doesn't answer instead she picks up her water and throws it in his face.

I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth which causes everyone at the table to laugh, and then the entire lunchroom.

"Maybe if you weren't such a little piss boy you wouldn't be in this situation. Now fuck off." She says angrily.

He scans around the lunch and sees the laughter spreading like wildfire, he slowly walks back to his table, not before grabbing a bunch of napkins to clean up his mess.

I really made friends with the right chick.

"Are you okay November?" She asks me.
"Yea I'm fine, believe it or not, but he's not the first guy to try to 'get with me. I laugh.

"Really?! What do you mean?" Tessa pitches in." I can't believe Malia just did that and then just comes back as if nothing happened.

"It's nothing, honestly, Theo helped me before it could get too out of hand," I tell them.

"Well speaking of Theo, he's coming over here now." Tessa states. When I turn around I see Theo walking towards our table.

"Hey, I saw what happened, you okay? James can be a real jerk, can you believe he has a girlfriend" Theo asks.

"I can't believe anyone would wanna be with that guy and yeah I'm fine, thanks to this purple chick over here," I say pointing to Malia, still vibrant with laughter.

"Good, great, well uh. Before the whole James thing, I was gonna come over here and uh, ask you out, ya know like on a date." He says while rubbing the back of his neck.

Doesn't he have a girlfriend? And we just met, and I don't know how to go on a date, this is just too much.

"Don't you have a girlfriend," I say, becoming disappointed in him, even if they somehow broke up in a day, that is way too fast to move on.

"What- no, who told you that?" He laughs. He looks at me as if I just said the most obscure statement. Mentally I shake my head at the jerks this place calls boys. 

"No one told me, I saw you with her, Hope, in school, after school during tryouts, she could barely keep her eyes off you, plus you guys were literally sucking face in Mrs. X's class," I say with more attitude in my voice than I expected.

It's not like I was keeping tabs or anything I'm just a very observant person.

"Hope isn't my girlfriend, she was just a small fling that got a little too attached." He says. I look at him in slight disgust, and here I was thinking that he was a nice boy. I can't even find the words to respond to him.

"You are such a jerk, how can you say that about her, obviously, you mean to her if she was damn near gawking at you yesterday" I state. 

My whole table looks at me in shock, looks at him in shock. Welp, you can the girl away from the douchebags but you can't take the douchebags away from the girl. 

"C'mon you can't be mad about that, you've never had a fling before November? Be a little reasonable." He scoffs. "Plus, Hope has already moved on trust me, She'll find someone new in a matter of days."

Now it's my turn to scoff.

"Reasonable, here I was thinking you were a nice guy, paying for my lunch and all that but you're just a woman-using jerk, man. So the answer is no I will not go on a date with you so please leave my table." 

Honestly, if Theo is right they're both users and both jerks. You shouldn't be with someone just for a fling, you be with someone you love. And as a date to marry person, wasteful romance is disheartening.

He sticks his tongue in the side of his cheek and shakes his head. "You're fucking loss." He says walking away. He actually looks disappointed how can he. Unfuckingbelieveable, I feel so bad for Hope, him too. 

"Oh my goodness, what the actual hell just happened." Tessa whisper-yells. "You just turned down the Theo Blue, the!"

"C'mon yall snap out of it, you just heard what he said about Hope, he's a no-good little boy, the, or not," I state, I've seen plenty of other good-looking people at this school, and he is not the hottest and even if he was, personality outweighs looks.

"Yeah November is right we gotta get out of this hot people chock hold, it's making us act like a bunch of coneheads," Reese says. "We should all do something this weekend, get our minds off this Palm Springs High nonsense" He finishes. 

"I would love to but I can't I'm getting a puppy this weekend." I beam.

Omg, I gotta find a way to un-cliche this book. 


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